Faculty of Teacher Training will work on the promotion of healthy habits and physical education

  • Press Office
  • October 8th, 2019
Participants en l'encontre de la Xarxa d'Investigació d'Educació Física i Promoció d’Hàbits Saludables
Participants en l'encontre de la Xarxa d'Investigació d'Educació Física i Promoció d’Hàbits Saludables

Professors Carme Peiró and Alexandra Valencia and professor Jorge Lizandra from the Department of Teaching of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression will team up with other specialists from different Spanish universities on a project to promote healthy habits. For this, the Red de Investigación EFPHS (Educación Física y Promoción de Hábitos Saludables, Physical Education and Healthy Habits Promotion) has been set up and funded by the National Sports Council.


This network is made up by around thirty specialists from 11 research groups from different universities.  The first encounter was held in the King Juan Carlos University of Madrid at the end of this September.

The network is integrated in the ‘Physical Activity and Health’ area and the ‘New perspectives on physical education and healthy lifestyles at school age’ subarea.  The network aims to encourage the synergies between different State research groups that work on the promotion of healthy habits from the educational centres and the analyse of teaching style of Physical Education teachers and its impact in the motivation and the consequences caused in the students, such as, for example, levels of physical activity.