Full professor Consuelo Ramón, National Award of Defence in University Teaching Category

  • Press Office
  • November 12nd, 2018
Consuelo Ramón.
Consuelo Ramón.

Full Professor of the Universitat de València Consuelo Ramón has won the 2018 National Award of Defence in university teaching category. The jury has taken this decision due to “her long track record in teaching and research in favour of dissemination of the defence culture within the framework of the Universitat de València.”

The award praises “the contribution of some people and entities in the teaching field that have performed an outstanding activity for defence promotion in education, especially trough curricular projects throughout the different educational stages.”

Consuelo Ramón Chornet is a full professor of International Law and International Relations specialised in Humanitarian International Law issues, European politics in security and defence, cooperation policies and development assistance, and issues on terrorism and human rights. She is the head of Derechos Humanos collection of Tirant lo Blanch publishers.

Some of her books are Terrorismo y respuesta de fuerza en Derecho internacional, Querella pacis, perpetua? Una reivindicación del Derecho internacional  (with J de Lucas), with which she was awarded with the Manuel Castillo Essay Award of the Universitat de València in 2003, and Violencia necesaria? La intervención humanitaria en Derecho internacional.