Jaume Martí, awarded by the Reial Acadèmia Valenciana de Jurisprudència i Legislació

  • Tarongers Institutes Support Unit
  • December 13rd, 2019
Jaume Martí

Universitat de València’s Professor Jaume Martí Miravalls was awarded with the 2019 Legal Studies Award of the Reial Acadèmia Valenciana de Jurisprudència i Legislació (Royal Valencian Academy of Jurisprudence and Law). Last April, Martí won the eighteenth edition of the García Goyena Legal Articles Prize, awarded annually by the Faculty of Law of the UNED.

Jaume Martí is Professor of the Department of Mercantile Law “Manuel Broseta Pont”, member of the research group “Dret de xarxes” (Network Law), member of the Committee for the Defence of Competition of the Valencian Community and external counsellor of the law firm Roca Junyent. 

The award-winning work is now a 172-page monograph on the private application of Competition Law, which will soon be available on the website of the Reial Acadèmia. Regarding his work, Jaume Martí himself highlights the relevance of the subject and explains that “European Competition Law is probably living its most transcendent moment since its constitution. At the moment, the private aspect of this type of law is taking shape in the courts all over Europe. It is a ‘kind of special law' in which everything is being created and discussed, tearing the garments of classic national law. A correct understanding of its nature is one of today’s major legal challenges, as many economic interests are at stake”.

The award ceremony will take place in a public ceremony to be held on Wednesday 18th December at 01:00 p.m. at the Il·lustre Col·legi d’Advocats de València.

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