Researcher Marta Moreno receives science award of the City Council of Algemesí

Marta Moreno Torres, researcher at the Experimental Hepatology Joint Unit of the Universitat de València-IISLAFE and CIBEREHD, received the science award sponsored by the City Council of Algemesí. The award-winning work analyses the potential of metabolomics to research and anticipate the causes of hepatotoxicity caused by medical drugs on humans.

13 de may de 2024

Marta Moreno's work titled 'Metabolomics as an Innovative Tool for Investigating and Anticipating the Hepatic Toxicity Causes by Drugs in Humans’ was awarded the prize worth €5,000. This work is part of Dr. Moreno Torres' line of research.

Hepatotoxicity, or Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI), is one of the most frequent adverse clinical reactions and an important cause of morbidity and mortality. It is a major cause of medical drug withdrawal, both in the early stages of development and when they are approved and ready for clinical use. It is therefore a crucial concern for the pharmaceutical industry, with health and economic repercussions.

The research award, sponsored by Algemesí,has become one of the most important awards on the scientific research scene in the ValencianCommunity. 21 works were submitted to the competition this year. For almost two decades, this call has consolidated its prestige thanks tothe joint collaboration between Valencian public universities, the Health Research Institute Hospital La Fe and theCSIC-UPV.

The competition had a prestigious jurycomprised of teachers and researchers in the fields related to the submitted works. José Vicente Castell Ripoll(Faculty of Medicine of the Universitat de València and La Fe); José Viña, full university professor of Physiology; Eloisa Jantus and Salut Botella, professors of Biotechnology (UPV); José Gabriel Torres, professor of Engineering (UPV); Jaume Segura, professor of Computer Science (UV) and JoséPío Beltrán(CSIC-UPV) were the jury for this year’s edition.

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