La Nau holds a conference of Professor Adolfo Plasencia about the real and unreal in internet

The writer, specialized journalist in science and technology and Professor at Universitat Politècnica de València, Adolfo Plasencia will give a conference untitled: “La confusión entre lo real y lo irreal en la Segunda Digitalización” (The confusion between the Real and the Unreal in the Second Digitalization), on Wednesday October 30th, at Centre Cultural La Nau of Universitat de València. The act will be in Aula Magna, at 7:00 p.m.

29 de october de 2019

This conference starts the debates cycle “La Segunda Digitalización” (The Second Digitalization), which is organised by Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives.

In “La confusión entre lo real y lo irreal en la Segunda Digitalización”, Plasencia will talk about the unreality and reality in a world where the lie and the truth begin to be indistinguishable in the screens of our technologic devices.

During the first digitalization, which gave birth to the initial Internet, joined “the effect of the web” to the combination of digital technologies, that changed on a large scale our relation with the world, space and time, apart from transformed the nature of our long-distance interaction with other humans. All of this marked the beginning of a new technologic period: the second digitalization.

This new era that we are still living is characterised by the “new web effects”, as well as the leap in the connected mobile phone, whose effects are at any time and from any place, among others.

We are forced to live in a global virtual world, we can’t ignore its inevitable effects on our local, personal and familiar sphere. Right now, the digital relation among humans is controlled by the global giants of internet, whose power makes us doubt about the cleanliness of the democratic mechanisms. But, in this conference, one can notice that not everything is dark, because from the digital world it can also offer us opportunities and hopes.

The Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives is a cultural project, promoted by the Office of the vice-Principal for Culture and Sport and managed by General Foundation of the Universitat de València. It is configured as a space for reflection and participatory and critical debate on current issues. The Escuela has the partnership of actors of the public administration and civil society: Presidence of the Generalitat, the City Hall of Valencia, the Valencian Department of Transparency and Education, Research, Culture and Sports, the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, the Alfons el Magnànim Institut, the Escola Europea d’Humanitats and the Caixa Popular.

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