La Nau hosts an international workshop on management and organisation of cultural festivals

On 26th and 27th November, the Centre Cultural La Nau of the Universitat de València hosts the international workshop ‘Cultural Festivals’ Organisation and Management: New Challenges in the Digital Age?’ (CFEST), which is going to be developed during two days.

25 de november de 2019

International Festival at La Nau.
International Festival at La Nau.

The purpose of the first day reunion, which is strictly scientific, is the sharing of ongoing research between researchers studying the real context of the structure, organisation and management of festivals, also considering the challenges they face in the digital age. Seventeen papers prepared by more than 40 specialists from different countries have been presented: Germany, USA, Spain, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Japan, Portugal and Tunisia.

On the second day there will be a workshop, involving programmers, teachers, university students, interpreters, heads of local and regional cultural entities, cultural managers and researchers, during which some of the researchers participating on the previous day, along with programmers and musicians, will discuss initiatives aimed at broadening the cultural festivals audiences and the didactic programmes that many of them organise.

CFEST is organised and funded by the following institutions: ESSCA School of Management, Paris (France); the University Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation; Institute for the Management and Innovation of Knowledge (INGENIO, CSIC- Universitat Politècnica de València) and The International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC).

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