The Universitat de València offers support in order to promote gender equality

  • Equality Unit
  • January 9th, 2019
Imatge d'arxiu d'un acte per la igualtat de gènere.
Imatge d'arxiu d'un acte per la igualtat de gènere.

For the seventh consecutive year, the Universitat de València offers economic support to organise conferences, speeches and public ceremonies with the purpose of promoting the gender equality between women and men and the visibility of women in the university field.

The deadline to apply for this support is the 31st of January of 2019.  Every association, every group or everyone who may provide services to the Universitat de València can apply for them.  The Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability manages this convocation for another year and both the basis and the applications are available on the notice board of the Universitat de València and at the website of the Equality Unit 

At the same time, the Delegate for Students and The Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability have also convened economic support addressed to the students’ associations and collectives in order to carry out sociocultural activities on the occasion of De març a novembre per la Igualtat.

Both convocations are part of the compilance and the purposes of the Equality Plan of the institution.


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