The Universitat de València and the Valencian Anti-fraud Agency join forces

  • Office of the Principal
  • November 23rd, 2020

The Universitat de València and the Valencian Anti-fraud Agency have signed a collaboration agreement to carry out the project “Actividades formativas para el buen gobierno y la ciudadanía, en el territorio valenciano” ("Training activities for good governance and citizenship in Valencia") with the aim of training in "good governance".

The headquarters of the Valencian Anti-fraud Agency have been the venue for the signing of the collaboration agreement between this organization and the Universitat de València through which the project "Training activities for good governance and citizenship in Valencia" will be developed.

The project aims to provide training in "good governance" and it is especially aimed at local public bodies and society, in order to tackle issues such as good governance, public integrity or the conflict of interest, which constitutes a risk of corruption. In this sense, activities will be designed according to the group they are addressed to: general population, technicians from local public bodies, social groups, etc. 

Likewise, activities will be designed according to the programmes developed by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society of the Universitat de València: a) organization of conferences and training modules within the UNISOCIETAT programme; b) production of one audiovisual presentation per year by following the technical characteristics of the contents produced in the DOCUFÒRUM programme; c) inclusion of conferences and workshops in the UNIVERSIDADES ESTACIONALES programme. 

The agreement, which has a duration of two years and is likely to be extended two further years, commits the Valencian Anti-fraud Agency to provide the Universitat de València with 15,000€ per year to carry out the different training actions envisaged within the work plan. In turn, the Universitat de València commits itself to providing the researchers and teaching staff needed to carry out the project and also to designing and putting the training actions into practice. 

The event has counted on the participation of M.Vicenta Mestre, Principal of the Universitat de València; Jorge Hermosilla, Vice-principal of Territorial Projection and Society; Juan Vicente Climent, university's general manager; Joan Linares, Valencian Anti-fraud Agency's director; and Silvia Vèrnia, Agency's director of Prevention, Training and Documentation.