Law specialists will analyse at the University the online sexual crime

The Faculty of Law of the Universitat de València hosts, the 8th and the 9th of May the I International Conference ‘Online sexual crime: Researching and intervention challenges’. The event will take place this Tuesday at 9:00h at the assembly hall of the Faculty

7 de may de 2018

Technologies develop and so do the methods employed by criminals to carry out their crimes. As a consequence, nowadays most part of sexual crimes take place on the Internet. Online sexual crime is a phenomenon which concerns modern society, as it harms the most vulnerable part of it: children. It is a global problem which demands international and multidisciplinary solutions.

In this context, the aim of the congress organised by the Universitat de València is to create a gathering, reflection and analysis space about a booming crime typology. In order to do that, we will count on the interventions of national and international experts on this matter, who will approach the participants to this phenomenon from a psychological, police, legal and crime point of view. Furthermore, it will be offered the opportunity of presenting academic works.

There are already 70 persons registered in the meeting, students and professionals. It has been organised by the University Institute of Criminology and Criminal Sciences of the Universitat de València, in the project I+D+i ‘La libertad vigilada: fundamentos politico-criminales y aplicación práctica’.

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