The prizes of the Contest +Dones 2018 have been awarded, organised by the Department of Computer Science of ETSE

  • Press Office
  • April 16th, 2018
Imagen de la noticia

The School of Engineering have awarded last 11 April the prizes of the Contest +Dones 2018. Aurora Nieves Pedroche and Laura Garrido Rey, Sabsabi Sakka and Sara González Pozo have been awarded.

 The most popular video voted has been from Aurora Nieves Pedroche, and it can be watched on this link:

The video realised by Laura Garrido Rey, Noor Sabsabi Sakka and Sara González Pozo received the award for the best idea, and it can be watched here:

The jury of the prize was formed by Raquel Sánchez Celada, Raimundo Garcia Olcina and Pedro Morillo Tena.

During the act, took place a colloquium in which have participated Elena Martínez García, vice-principal of Equality, Diversity and Sustainability; Mercedes Alcañiz Moscardó, director of the Equality Unit at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI); Ana Sánchez Torres, vice-president of node AMIT MuVal (Valencian Community and Murcia); Judit Marti Molina, vice-president of the affinity team WIE of the ETSE-UV; and Paula Marzal Domenech, director of ETSE. The colloquium have been moderated by Silvia Rueda Pascual, director of Department of Informatics from ETSE.

The event was organised by the Department of Informatics and the School of Engineering, with the support of the affinity of Women in Engineering attached to ETSE-UV, and financing of the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València.

File in: Estudis