More than 600 experts participate in the XIV Congreso de Antropología Social y Cultural
- September 4th, 2017

More than 600 people participate in the XIV Congreso de Antropología Social y Cultural (Conference of Social and Cultural Anthropology) that takes place from the 5th to the 8th September in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universitat de València. It is the first state conference and its motto is: ‘Anthropologies in Transformation: senses, commitments and utopias'.
Along 26 symposia it will be reflected on the current world and especially on the situation that has been created due to the systemic crisis and the great variety of global proposals and social movements of improvement and ideal transformation. These have arisen over the last years and they include ideas and practices that have gradually incorporated the varieties and the local and/or alternative knowledge systems as ingredients to strengthen them as universal movements. The challenge of anthropology facing this phenomenon seems to contribute to the de-monopolization of the dominant social thinking, revealing the alterities but without renouncing a universal mode of intelligibility that makes them effective.
The conference is based on the principles of sustainability, equality and solidarity, taking care of aspects such as gender equality, respect for the environment and care for handicapped people or support for people in situations of social exclusion. In addition to the symposiums, the event includes plenary presentations and a program of parallel events and cultural activities which include, among other events, the ‘plantà’ and ‘cremà’ of a ‘falla’, playing the game ‘pilota al carrer’, visiting the Cabanyal, the city of Valencia during its republican times, the Micalet, and the exhibition "Joan F. Mira. L’ofici de mirar i escriure’ or a round table about the typical drink ‘Horchata’ and its tasting. The conference offers the participants several experiences to bring them closer to the city itself.
The Valencian Museum of Ethnology, the Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español (FAAEE) (Federation of Associations of Anthropology of the Spanish State) the Asociación Valenciana de Antropología (Valencian Association of Anthropology), the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture, Equality and Territorial Projection, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the Universitat de València, the Universitat de Alicante, the Universidad Miguel Hernández, the Universitat Politècnica de València, the Institution Alfons el Magnànim, the Diputación de Valencia, the Valencia Townhall, the Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport (Valencian Department of Education, Research, Culture and Sport), the Consum Cooperative, the Consell regulador Horchata de Chufa Valencia, the museum Museu de la Festa d’Algemesí and the Caixa Popular have participated in the conference.
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