The Nau hosts a round table on Francoist Repression in the Valencian archives

On Thursday 24th October, the La Nau Cultural Centre of the Universitat de València will host the round table ¿Ocultas o preservadas? Las trazas de la represión franquista en los archivos valencianos (Hidden or preserved? The traces of the Francoist Repression in the Valencian archives) with the connivance of the Chair of the Memoria Democràtica de la Comunitat Valenciana (Democractic Memory of the Valencian Community) and within the framework of the programme of the Fòrum de Debats of the Universitat de València.

23 de october de 2019

Fòrum de Debats act at the Seminar Classrooms.
Fòrum de Debats act at the Seminar Classrooms.

The event will take place in the Seminar Classrooms at 7 p.m. and aims to provide a space for reflection and debate on Valencian documentation and archives on the subject of Franco's repression, to analyse their state as the main tools in the knowledge of a fundamental process of the recent past and to pose the main current challenges and difficulties.

Among others, José Miguel Santacreu Soler (University of Alacant), Rosa Monlleó Peris (Universitat Jaume I), Vicenta Verdugo Martí (Florida Secondary and University Education Centre – Universitat de València), Dolores Sánchez Durá (Fundació d'Estudis de CCOO-PV and its Historical Archive), Rosa Pérez Garijo (Conselleria de Participació, Transparència, Cooperació i Qualitat Democràtica) and Carmen Amoraga Toledo (Direcció General de Cultura i Patrimoni) will participate.

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