Registration open for the 36th Universitat d’Estiu de Gandia

  • Press Office
  • May 30th, 2019
Participants en la presentació de la UEG.
Participants en la presentació de la UEG.

The 36th Universitat d'Estiu de Gandia (UEG) will be held from 15 to 19 July. This year it offers 11 courses and 7 workshops. Registration can be made from now until 8 July. The academic offer is completed, as usual, with a programme of activities open to the general public.

Registration for UEG courses and workshops can be formalised on the website The courses, with varied themes, last between 10 and 8 hours and are organised on the basis of the motto of this edition 'Drets arreu del món'.  This edition commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights held last year.

The offer of courses, eleven in total, raises analysis around the rights: the rights of the planet, of children, linguistic rights or human rights. In addition, the initiative begun last year together with Office of the Vice-Principal for Equality continues and “L’Estiu de les dones” is re-edited with courses and workshops on feminism. The offer of courses is completed with others of varied thematic dedicated to Africa, the comic or the education.

As far as the workshops are concerned, this edition presents an offer of seven workshops with a very varied theme. Thus we can find workshops dedicated to food, emotion management, LGTBI rights or the new Data Protection Act. In addition, new editions will be held other workshops that in previous Editions have been very successful as the workshop dedicated to film criticism and television series and dedicated to jazz.

This year, the UEG will receive around a hundred teachers. Around 50% come from the Universitat de València, while the rest come from other universities and organisations.

The Universitat d'Estiu's programme is completed, as usual, with a wide programme of activities open to citizens. The first of these will be the inaugural conference given by Margarita Soler, President of the Consell Jurídic Consultiu de la Comunitat Valenciana, which will take place on Monday 15 July at 20h in the Garden of the Casa de la Marquesa. Meanwhile, on Tuesday 16th it will be the turn of the round table dedicated to education while Wednesday 17th it will be spoken about the territorial organization in Spain. In this last round table, organised jointly with the Alfons Cucó Chair, the sociologist Carolina Bescansa, the professor of Constitutional Law Javier Pérez Royo and the journalist Salva Enguix will participate. On Thursday, the President of Greenpeace Spain, José Davil Sandoval, will speak about the rights of the planet. The evening activities will close on Friday 19 with a conference that is still to be confirmed. As always, all conferences will be at 20h in the Casa de la Marquesa.

In the evenings, at 10:30pm, the activity will move to the garden along with theatre and music. The activity will begin Thursday 11, when the Escena Erasmus Company will present the play "Una canción por Europa" (A song for Europe). The next day, on Friday 12, it will be the turn of the Grau de Gandia group "Las Libelu". The following week, the evening activities will begin on Tuesday 16 with the screening of the documentary "Gurumbé: canciones de tú memoria negra" (Gurumbé: songs of your black memory), a screening that will be accompanied by a discussion with the director of the film, Miguel Ángel Rosales. On Wednesday 17, UEG Miquel Gil's new show will arrive, the Botifarra, who, accompanied by the Moroccan musician Ahmed Touzani, will present their new joint show "De part a part del Mediterrani" (From side to side of the Mediterranean). On Thursday 18, the nights in the garden will receive the show "Paris Year 1940". In addition, on Friday 19 the duo formed by Júlia and Clara Andrés will present their new joint work "L'eix radical" (The Radical Axis) to Gandia.

In this edition, the programme is completed by the exhibition “Creadores valencianos por los derechos humanos. 70 años de la declaración de derechos humanos” (Valencian Creators for Human Rights. 70 years of the Declaration of Human Rights), which gathers the graphic Works of first-level Valencian designers. They have reinterpreted, from their particular point of view, the principles of the Declaration of Human Rights. The exhibit includes the Works of fourteen women and sixteen men, amongst which one can find names as relevant as Mariscal, Pepe Gimeno and Dani Nebot. It will be inaugurated on 5th June and kept in the Exhibition Hall of the Universitat de València until 30th October.

Institutional accolade

This edition of the Universidad de Verano has been presented this morning by the Vice-rector of Territorial Projection, Jorge Hermosilla; by CIG-UV director, J. Emili Aura; and by mayor of Gandia, Diana Morant, along with culture councillor, Joan Muñoz, and Social Responsibility and Citizens Policy, Nahuel González. Vice-rector Hermosilla has outlined the solvency of this UEG as the “dean of the summer universities, as a result of the complicity between both organising institutions”. In addition, the vice-rector has considered the UEG the reflection of the Universitat de València really means: “the proof of the compromise between territory, society and transmission of knowledge”.

On her side, Mayor Morant stressed that the UEG is an appointment, "a project as consolidated as it is necessary since it provides citizens with an opportunity to reflect on issues of interest from the point of view of people of reference". In addition, Diana Morant praised the success of the slogan chosen for this edition: "it is important to talk about human rights at a time when people who question them are quick to appear". Morant also wanted to have words of praise for the inaugural speaker, "another woman who makes contemporary history, and who makes visible that the glass ceiling can be broken".