Online conference on Coronavirus treatment

The Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives of the Universitat de València has adapted its programme to the online format. As a second conference, on Monday 8th June, at 6pm, Francisco Sanz Herrero, PhD in Medicine from the Universitat de València and specialist in Pneumology, will give a lecture on 'Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection: from urgency to scientific evidence'. The next conference will be held on 15 June, at the same time, with the researcher Enrique Féas, who will address the economic crisis generated by the health crisis.

5 de june de 2020

All the conferences will be available on the YouTube Channel of the La Nau Cultural Centre and on the website of the Vice-Principal for Culture of the Universitat de València.

In this conference, the protocols of care and treatment of the COVID-19 will be discussed. It will be explained how it has developed since the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic until now. In this pandemic, the scientific community and professionals worldwide are facing an unprecedented challenge to save as many lives as possible in the absence of effective antiviral treatment. In some ways it has returned clinics to a situation very similar to that of 20th century medical practice, with the use of empirical treatments and often without the necessary solid scientific support provided by regulated clinical trials.

Francisco Sanz Herrero is a Doctor of Medicine from the Universitat de València and a specialist in Pneumology who works in the Pneumology Service of the Consorci General Hospital of the Universitat de València. Committed to teaching, he is an associate professor in the Department of Medicine, a tutor for residents in the Pneumology Service of the General Hospital and director of three doctoral theses. He develops his research facet in the field of respiratory infections, especially in community pneumonia, where he has more than 30 national and international publications, his main line of research being the determination of new clinical and biochemical prognostic indices in respiratory infections.Since March 2020 he has been the coordinator of the multidisciplinary unit COVID-19 of the Consorci General Hospital of the Universitat de València.

The Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives is a cultural project, promoted by the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport and managed by the Fundación General de la Universitat de València, which is a space for reflection and participatory and critical debate on current issues. The School is supported by other actors from the public administration and civil society: the Presidency of the Generalitat, Valencia City Council, the Department of Transparency and Education, Research, Culture and Sport, the Valencian Language Academy, the Alfons el Magnànim Institute and Caixa Popular.

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