Open enrolment for the Creative Writing Club of the UV

The UV, in La Nau dels Estudiants i Estudiantes Programme, has implemented a new edition of workshops in the Open Club for Creative Writing, a programme that is now in its 11th edition. Writers with a wide professional career give nine literary creation workshops on the modalities of theatre, short story, poetry, short-movie scripts and comic script.

18 de january de 2017

The Open Club for Creative Writing offers several workshops, with an eminently practical methodology, destined to train and acquire skills to face literary creation in the genres of narrative, theatre, poetry, short-movie scripts and comic script. Nine workshops are offered, with a duration of 20 hours each one, that will take place during the months of February, March and April 2017, and they will be available for students of the UV as well as for all the other citizens. Places are limited and they will be assigned by order of registration, until February 12 .

In order to develop this project, it has had the participation of professionals such as Xavier Puchades for the theatre writing workshop; Francesc Rodrigo and Laura Giordani for the Valencian and Spanish poetry workshops, respectively; María García Lliberós, Carlos Aimeur and Bárbara Blasco, for the short story in Spanish workshop; Anna Moner for the short story in Valencian workshop; Giovanna Ribes for the short-movie scripts workshop; and Sento Llobell for the comic script workshop.

This is a proposal by the Information and Consumer Services for Students (Sedi) with the collaboration of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality (Aula de Lectura i Escriptura, Aula de Cinema, Aula de Teatre and Aula de Poseia) and the Vice-deanship for Culture, Equality and Communication of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València.

For more information and enrolment

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