Paula del Val wins the National Prize for Company Law ‘Antonio Pérez de la Cruz’

  • Press Office
  • February 11st, 2020
Laura Barrios (editorial Tirant lo Blanch), Paula del Val, Juan Ignacio Peinado (catedràtic de Dret Mercantil a Màlaga) i Jesús Pérez de la Cruz (fill del professor Antonio Pérez de la Cruz).
Laura Barrios (Tirant lo Blanch publishing house), Paula del Val, Juan Ignacio Peinado (Professor of Commercial Law in Malaga) and Jesús Pérez de la Cruz (son of Prof. Antonio Pérez de la Cruz).

Paula del Val Talens, Assistant Professor - Doctor of Commercial Law at the Universitat de València, has obtained the National Prize for Company Law ‘Antonio Pérez de la Cruz’ for her work entitled ‘El derecho de separación en la transformación transfronteriza’ (The withdrawal right in cross-border restructuring). The prize-giving took place within the framework of the IV National Company Law Conference, held at the University of Málaga last 6 and 7 February.

More than 400 people of the academic and professional world are invited to this meeting, the largest one of this discipline in Spain. This time, the programme was about separation and exclusion of associated in a corporate enterprise.

On her study, Professor del Val analyses the withdrawal law as a harmonized mechanism of protecting the associated in the inside the European Union cross-border mobility operations, especially in the international relocation of the office or restructuring. The study explains the dogmatic fundamentals of recognising this right in favour of the associated that vote against the operation. It assesses the regulatory strategy of the EU and foresees the changes that will be necessary to adjust Spanish Law to Directive 2019/2121 in terms of cross-border restructure fusions and spin-offs.

Paula del Val (Valencia, 1990) joined as Assistant Professor - Doctor of Commercial Law in 2019, after many years as a postdoctoral researcher in Germany. Among the areas of her specialisation are the corporate government, the company law of the EU, the legal status of the associated, the family companies or the corporate social responsibility. For this last one, she already won in 2015, with José Miguel Embid Irujo, Professor of Commercial Law at the Universitat de València, the San Raimundo de Peñafort Prize, granted by the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.