The Performing Arts Club of the UV closes its year with the Valencian dramatist Sanchis Sinisterra

The Performing Arts Club of the UV closes its year with a dramatic reading of the text ‘Furor matemático’, written by José Sanchis Sinisterra and directed by Jorge Picó and Eva Zapico. The play, run by the Performing Arts Club, will be performed on 20 and 21 December at 19:00 at the ‘Matilde Salvador’ room of the La Nau Cultural Centre. On 20 December, at the end of the show, there will be a colloquium with the presence of the prestigious Valencian dramatist José Snachis Sinisterra, author of the text, and Ferran Montesa, director of ‘Le Monde Diplomatique’.

19 de december de 2023

Ferran Montesa and Sanchis Sinisterra with the group of the dramatic reading.
Ferran Montesa and Sanchis Sinisterra with the group of the dramatic reading.

‘Furor Matemático’ is a piece of historical tragicomedy that narrates the life and work of the French mathematician Évariste Galois, a mathematical genius who revolutionised the field of the theory of equations and groups, but who died at the age of 20 in a duel for love. The play combines scientific rigour with human drama, and shows the relationship between mathematics and politics, passion and reason, order and chaos.

‘Furor Matemático’ is the last activity of the year of the Performing Arts Club. The club has performed a total of 32 shows throughout 2023, with the participation of students and the collaboration of different organisations and cultural institutions, such as the Professional Dance School of Valencia, the Festival Dansa Valencia of the IVC and the ‘Cicle de memòria històrica del Teatre Escalante-Valencian Provincial Council’.

Among the shows premiered this year, those starring the Universitat's groups stand out: ‘De bèsties i bestioles’, by Sara Acàmer and Pep Sanchis, via ‘ASSAIG - Grup de Teatre’ of the UV;‘Una historia de por’ by Escena Erasmus, Performing Arts Award of 2023 and ‘Ellas...Nosotras’, by the Dance Group of the UV, coreographed by Christine Cloux, awarded best dancer at the Performing Arts Awards of 2023.

Besides, the Performing Arts Club has brought theatre into campuses, most specifically to the Palmireno Room of the Faculty of Geography and History, through the programme ‘Culture at the campuses of the Universitat de València’.

Tickets for the ‘Furor Matemático’ show can be booked at the Tenda de la Universitat of La Nau and campuses, or on the website.

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