Production of clean energy monitored

  • November 16th, 2017

Maria Iranzo

"The commitment to renewable energies of the Universitat de València is light years away from the rest of Spanish universities," says Alberto de la Guardia, environmental technician. From 2008, the academic institution has been covering most of their roofs, except from those with irregular surface with photovoltaic cells, until becoming the most powerful urban park of Spain and the biggest producer of renewable energy in the city.


Now, moreover, it publishes its consumption in these didactic graphs, where it is possible to analyse monthly the generation of electricity from both solar panels and electricity and heat from the cogeneration station of Tarongers (the round building, to understand each other).


“Most people do not know that we are producing electricity and heat, and it is a commitment that has to be recognised. The most effective way to communicate and visualize the energy savings and the reduction of CO2 emissions that we save are these graphs, “emphasizes de la Guardia, responsible for its design, who values the initiative promoted by the University's manager, Joan. Oltra

This graphic information is update monthly -it is not in real time-  and several data can be extracted from it. With regard to the electricity generated by the panels, it is possible to know the amount of quilowatt hours that all the campuses generate. In October, it was around 135,000 kWh, what has meant a saving of 52,000 euros.

Furthermore, the increases and reductions in the consumption can be quantified compared to last year’s figures. “In October we have had sunnier days than usual, hence the increase that has been with regard to October 2016” he says. Likewise, it can be confirmed that ay and June are the months of most. This year it was produced 382.360 kWh in that period.

“In 2016, electricity produced by the panels meant a 3.24% of the consumed electricity by the University. Obviously, it is little, but it is relevant if we take into account the considerable consumption of the institution due to the numerous electrical equipment that it has in operation," explains the Environmental technician.

"All this information can also be segmented by campus and buildings," adds Alberto de la Guardia. "Therefore, now everyone can see the photovoltaic energy production of their facilities."

Cogeneration station

The other new information, in terms of spreading the efficiency of energy at the University, is the monthly publication of charts about the generation of electricity and heat of the cogeneration station. Not only from the current period, but from June 2013.


The electricity generated by the cogeneration station is consumed by buildings of the campus and, if there is surplus, it is sold in the city's electricity grid. “One of the advantages is that when there are power cuts, the cogeneration station continues working, prioritizing the use of electricity generated to keep the elevators running and illumination of the corridors and common spaces," says Miguel Bolinches, of the Service of maintenance. On the other hand, the heat produced in the process of generating electricity is used to heat the buildings of the campus.