Professor of Preventive Medicine Dolors Corella enters the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy

The professor of the area of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the University of Valencia and the Centre for Biomedical Research Network (CIBEROBN) Dolors Corella has taken office as a corresponding academician of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy (RANF). The act recognises the scientific and academic trajectory of the Valencian researcher, who has been awarded, among others, the Jaume I Prize for medical research (2018) granted by the Valencian Government or the Gregorio Marañón Memorial Award for the best food scientist (2017) of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy.

2 de october de 2019

Dolors Corella, in the inauguration as a corresponding academician. Source: RANF.
Dolors Corella, in the inauguration as a corresponding academician. Source: RANF.

Dolors Corella’s current interest is focused on the integration of exposomics, phenomics, genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, and other omics (neologism that refers to the study of organisms in an ecosystem in relation to their parts). These omics are applied both in the investigation of cardiometabolic diseases and in healthy aging.

Dolors Corella indicates that it is a great honour that RANF has promoted and supported their entry into the institution and wishes to express her gratitude. “This opens up new job opportunities and dissemination of research activity. Specifically, my incorporation into the fifth section of the RANF, called Public Health, Food and Environment, will allow me to be in contact with all the prestigious academics that form it and attend periodic meetings in which to have the opportunity to collaborate on new projects and innovative initiatives. A new way of visibility and progress is opened”, said the expert from the University of Valencia.

The takeover of Dolors Corella took place on Thursday 26 at the RANF headquarters. The Valencian researcher was introduced by Francisco José Sánchez Muniz, numerary member of the entity, and addressed the topic “Integration of omic analysis in health research: promises and realities in prevention and treatment”. In it she presented her own contributions to advancing in the application of omics in health research within personalised or precision biomedicine.

Thus, the Valencian scientist, pioneer in the birth of Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology in Spain, explained the techniques based on the integration of genomic analyses in traditional epidemiological research, mainly in the field of gene-environment interactions, which determines Cardiometabolic diseases and their risk factors. Among the environmental factors, the diet is the one that presents the greatest complexity, so it has led to a more specific study for another new discipline that has been called nutritional genomics or nutrigenomics.

In this sense, Dolors Corella highlighted in the inauguration ceremony that, in collaboration with researchers from the United States, “we have also pioneered the birth of this new discipline and make constant contributions to it so that the so-called Precision nutrition can be a reality in the short-medium term”.

Dolors Corella is a professor in the area of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia. She is also group leader in the Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition CIBER since 2006. She has collaborated with dozens of national and international groups, has published more than 380 articles and has directed more than 20 doctoral theses and numerous research projects, both public as private. It is part of the Association of Female Researchers and Technologists, and is incorporating the gender perspective in her research projects through a PROMETEO project of excellence. She also won the International Hippocrates Award (2017) by the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of the Principality of Asturias.

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