Publicacions de la Universitat de València gets two national edition awards in the assembly of university publishers

Publicacions de la Universitat de València receives, on Thursday 17 November, two national edition awards. It would be carried out in the assembly of university publishers (by its Spanish acronym UNE), that is celebrated in the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón. Apart from approving the management report of the association, it will take place the election of the new board of directors.

17 de november de 2016

On Thursday, the 19th National Prizes of Edición Universitaria will be delivered, where Publicacions de la Universitat de València has obtained two awards: Best Spanish Science Communication Award, for “Jugar a ser Dios” by Salvador Macip and Chris Willmott; and Best Spanish Collection Award, for “Estètica&Crítica”, directed by Romà de la Calle.

The prizes will be collected by Rafael Crespo, vice-principal of Postgraduate Studies; Romà de la Calle, director of the collection Estètica&Crítica; Josep Lluís Canet, director of Publicacions de la Universitat de València; and Maite Simon, editor of the awarded works.

An independent and prestigious jury delivered the 19th National Prized of Edición Universitaria, which do a recognition of the best works published by Spanish universities and research centres during 2015. Víctor García de la Concha, director of the Instituto Cervamtes; Vicent Climent, dean of the Universitat Jaume I on behalf of the CRUE; Manuel Rodríguez Rivero, literary critic; Manuel Toharia, scientific adviser; Nuria Azancot, editor in chief of El Cultural by El Mundo; and Francisco Javier Rodríguez Marcos, responsible of Libros de Babelia (El País).

“Jugar a ser Dios. Los dilemas morales de la ciencia”, Best Spanish Science Communication Award, helps us to create an option for the ethical and social consequences of the last progress in biomedical research; human cloning, regenerative medicine or prenatal tests than can alter society forever. Written in a clear language, it is aimed at a general public with any level of specialisation. The work was awarded with the European Science Communication Award-Estudi General of 2013. “jugar a ser Dios”, by Salvador Macip and Chris Willmott is the number 25 of the collection “Sin Fronteras”, currently directed by the professor Fernando Sapiña, who publishes from 2005 Publicaciones de la Universitat de València and the Chair for Scientific Dissemination.

On the other hand, the collection “Estètica & Crítica”, Best Collection Award, born in 1993 under the scientific direction of professor Romà de la Calle, full university professor of Aesthetics of the UV and an intellectual with a recognisable career and prestige, due to the need to provide students, researchers and public certain classical and historical texts key for the study of Aesthetics and Art Theory that had never been published in Spanish or Catalan. Basic texts, both originals and translations, about the history of aesthetic thought from the Illustration to modern life. After 23 years and almost 40 published titles (nowadays 39 and 2 under preparation), the Collection “Estètica & Crítica” is an editorial model for its accuracy, coherence and contribution to the theoretical consolidation of the artistic poetry. With an attractive design from its origins and renewed in 2009, it has published works of authors such as L. Wittgenstein, E. Fubini, J. Ruskin, M. Proust, Th. W. Adorno o G. Lukács, among others.

139 works have been shown in this call for the 19th Prizes of Edición Universitaria, and, at other levels, it have been awarded titles published by universities of Oviedo, Jaume I, Castilla-La Mancha, Cantabria, San Jorge de Zaragoza and by other institutions associated with the UNE such as Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

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