Publicacions of the Universitat de València is present at the 81st edition of the Madrid Book Fair

Until June 12 the Retiro Park in Madrid is hosting the 81st edition of the Madrid Book Fair, an event with more than 375 stands dedicated to books that attracts more than 350,000 visitors. This edition will be special for Publicacions of the Universitat de València (PUV) since, for the first time, they will have their own space to present the most outstanding publications of their editorial collection, as well as the new publications from the end of 2021 and the beginning of this year.

27 de may de 2022

PUV stand in Madrid
PUV stand in Madrid

The Universitat de València publications will be at the stand 2, just at the beginning of the rout, next to the stands of other organizations and institutions. At the PUV stand there will be some of the most relevant publications about history and memory about Francoism, scientific dissemination, biographies of famous historical characters, essays, and other academic publications that are focused on different periods in history.

Moreover, two authors will be singing autographs of their books at the PUV stand. On Saturday 28 of May, from 11:00 to 13:30 h Alejandro Pérez-Olivares will be singing copies of his book Madrid Cautivo. Ocupación y control de una ciudad (1936-1948). On Sunday 12 of June from 11:00 to 13:30 h Ángel Alcalde will be singing copies of his book Excombatientes y fascismo en la Europa de entreguerras.

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