The Rector Peset Hall of Residence hosts the exhibition ‘Notes al Peu’ of Irene Covaleda

The artist in residence in the Rector Peset Hall of Residence presents for the first time in Valencia her works connected to the ‘Mail Art’. The exhibition, which is presented in the form of expo-flash, will be available from 12 January to 22 January 2017 in the Muralla Hall of the Rector Peset Hall of Residence. (From Tuesday to Sunday, from 11:00 to 19:30).

12 de january de 2017

The works of Irene Covaleda, exhibited for the first time in Valencia, surprise not only for her use of materials such as acrylics, stamps or postcards, but also for the execution of her works which don’t leave anybody indifferent due to their plastic beauty.

The artist expresses in her works problems brought up by the current human being. This way, communication is a recurring topic, as well as the way of managing primitive feelings in combination with elevated moral values.

In this exhibition, Irene Covaleda opens the door to other questions, such as how to communicate in a world with excess of information and a culture of virtual communication, or where we can find glances, caresses, words.

‘Notas al pie’ (Footnotes) is related to the communicative means ‘Mail Art’, where the freedom of performance of the artist makes it really interesting, both for the use of different materials and styles.

The exhibited works have been developed linked to the ‘Mail Art’ while he was carrying out his doctoral thesis, related to the Research Programme in Artistic Production, which is being developed by her under the directions of Vicente Ponce and Teresa Chafer, professors of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Santo Carles in the Universitat Politècnica de València.

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