Resources guide for startups

The Fundació Parc Científic Universitat de València (FPCUV) has just edited a resource guide for the management, development and consolidation of new innovative enterprises. The Resources for Startups Kit considers the conceptual tools and necessary practices for the creacion of startups and presents different cases of enterprises’ success, one of the most valued resources of the guide which can be acceded through the website of the Parc Científic.

20 de january de 2017

Produced from a wide updated perspective which reach the entrepreneurial process as a whole, the Kit presents a good deal of the key topics and the usefull tools for the management, developments and consolidation of startups. It tackles leading-edge topics - Lean startups, effectual logic, global enterprises- and classic questions such as enterprise plan, negotiation with investors or the spin-off peculiarities; it describe four illustrative and value real cases of innovative projects which have reached the objectives proposed and they have consolidate the enterprise initiatives after overcoming the difficulties of the entrepreneurship.

The Resources for Startups Kit is a manual of 281 pages elaborated by José María Mateu Céspedes, expert engineer in tools for production and evaluation of business models, with more than twenty-five years of experience in business consulting. Mateu is author of different works regarding entrepreneurship, among them the Manual for compose the enterprise plan of an spin-off, published in 2007 by the UV.

Edited in the frame of Incuba2 actions of supporting start-up companies of the FPCUV, the guide can be consulted on the website (

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