Specialists on International Humanitarian Law address confrontations and forced mobility

  • Institute of Human Rights
  • November 24th, 2019
Poster of the days.
Poster of the days.

On 25th and 26th November the thirty-first edition of the Jornadas de Derecho Internacional (International Humanitarian Law Days) will be held. This year, under the title Conflictos armados, movilidad forzada y exigencias de responsabilidad en un mundo desetabilizado (Armed conflicts, forced mobility and demands for responsibility in a destabilised world).

The conference, which will take place in the Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Law (Tarongers Campus), will be inaugurated by the Dean of the centre, Javier Palao, and by the director of the Institute of Human Rights of the Universitat de València (IDH-UV), Consuelo Ramón, at 10:30 a.m. Free entry until full capacity.

The opening lecture will be given by Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán, Professor of Public International Law and Internal Relations at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, under the title of La destrucción intencional de patrimonio cultural. De los Budas de Bamiyán a Palmira. (The Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage. From the Buddhas of Bamiyan to Palmira). Valentín Bou Franch, Professor of  International Public Law and International Relations at the Universitat de València, will give the closing lecture entitled La encrucijada entre los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario en los estados de emergencia (The crossroads between Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in states of emergency).

The days are held within the framework of the research projects on Seguridad internacional y europea: de la prevención de conflictos armados a las estrategias para la construcción de una ciudadanía inclusiva y plural (International and European security: from the prevention of armed conflicts to strategies for the construction of an inclusive and pluralistic citizenship) (PROMETEO/2018/156) and Prioridades de la revisión estratégica de la política europea y global de seguridad. El test de la presencia de colectivos de riesgo y la seguridad preventiva (Priorities of the strategic review of the European and global security policy. The test of the presence of risk groups and preventive safety) (DER2017-86861-R), co-funded with ERDF funds. The activity has been subsidised by the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo Programme for Excellence Research Groups) and the Faculty of Law of the Universtitat de València.  

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