Specialists at the Universitat analyse gender inequality in the sports world

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry will be the venue on 28th November of a series of round-tables on Gender and Sports #enbuscadelaigualtat2019 (Seeking Equality 2019). The meeting will be held in the Ramon y Cajal Room of the faculty and will bring together experts in sport, women who occupy sports management positions, and faculty professors who will provide different visions of these experiences.

26 de november de 2019


The cycle of round-tables will begin at 9 a.m. with the inauguration by the hand of Salvador Llana, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences; José Devís, Head of the Physical and Sports Education Department; and Maite Pellicer, responsible for the roundtables. Four round tables will be held throughout the day. The first one, at 9:15 a.m. is entitled Introducció a la igualtat de gènere i esport (Introduction to gender equality and sport) with the intervention of Pedrona Serra, Professor at INEFC (University of Barcelona) who will focus on gender, sport and stereotypes; Susana Guerrero, Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences (University of Malaga) who will talk about discrimination against women in the media; and Paula Lorente and Patricia López, founders of the movement Juntas es Mejor, who will focus on strategies to increase women's sports practice. The round table will be moderated by Maite Pellicer.

The second round table will start at 11:20 a.m.It will be about referents in sport to break with stereotypes. Amparo Dols, Olympic Taekwondo medallist; Alba López, international judoka; and Vicente Lli, world champion of Aerobic Gymnastics will participate. Moderated by Elena López.

The third table will deal on Experiències de dones en llocs directius esportius (Women's experiences in sports management places). Participants will include Ma Carmen Cabo, Sports Councillor of Foios Town Council; Ana María Aigneren, national rugby coach; and Teresa Sauri, national football coach, physical trainer and physical education teacher. Moderated by Marina Gil.

The day will finish with a round table on Investigació, docència i esport(Research, education and sport). The Professors Cristina Blasco, Pedro Pérez and Maite Pellicer of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the Universitat de València will take part on it. Moderated by the Professor José Ignacio Priego.

The conference was organised by teachers from the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences with funding from the Universitat's Equality Unit, the Physical and Sports Education Department and the faculty.

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