The student Paula Sala is member of the Standing Committee of the National University Students' Council

Paula Sala, the president of the Student Council (AGE), has been appointed chairperson of the National University Students' Council (CEUNE). The appointment took place in the meeting celebrated on Friday 17 July in the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. In the meeting, the members of the CEUNE Standing Committee, which is made up of five chairpersons and a vice president, were replaced. They are all representatives of students.

28 de july de 2017

In this way, the new Standing Committee is formed by Carmen Beatriz Romero Rodríguez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) who works as a vice-president. The five chairpersons are Jon Ander González Martín (Consejo Autonómico de Euskadi); Paula Sala Ivars (Universitat de València); Rocío Alfaro Patón (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Patricia sofía Guzmán Valdés (Universitat Rovira i Virgili); and Lidia María Gutiérrez Fernández (Universidad de Sevilla). All the elected chairpersons of this committee are representatives of the students of their universities. Moreover, there are also members of the Ministry of Education in this committee.

CEUNE is a body made up by members of the ministry and by the highest student’s representatives of the universities from all over the country. In this session, they also discussed the new Internal Rules of Procedure of this body and the Royal Decree of grants.

Paula Sala has explained that during the session, the Highest Representative Body of Students (MORE) expressed dissatisfaction because no meeting had taken place during the past two years (even though the law states that it must take place three times a year). Furthermore, ‘we urge the specialties committees to gather as well as the monitoring centre on grants where more specific issues are addressed’, says Sala. She adds that the students also urge the Standing Committee to be gathered since it sets the date for the CEUNE meeting.

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