There is an increase of 3% in the number of answered teaching assessment surveys

The Quality Unit of the ‘Manuel Sanchis Guarner’ Centre for Education and Quality has gathered more than ten thousand teaching assessment surveys that have been answered by the UV students. The student body of different disciplines have filled in the teaching assessment surveys during three months. This figure has increased in comparison to the previous academic year. The surveys are still available right now for those units in which a change of date has been required.

30 de may de 2017

In order to know which units are, the student body can consult the information in Secretaria Virtual, platform in which the surveys are completed.

The Quality Unit has informed that once finished the deadline for the assessment, a total of 116,664 surveys has been gathered, a 3% more than the year before. It is important because “it helps to a continuous improve in the teaching-learning process”.

The number of answered teaching assessment surveys has increased again, so this confirms a major participation in this type of surveys as well as others, such as teaching satisfaction surveys for undergraduate and postgraduate students, (in the last edition there was an increase of 59% in comparison to the previous year) and the people who have finished their degrees (the participation increased in a 30%).

There is a great accessibility, due to the online surveys that can be filled in easily and at any moment from your mobile phone or any device connected to the network, the great awareness of its use reflected in the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ) and in the external monitoring and renewal processes of the certification, the use of a more flexible and friendly application of surveys, the updating and simplification of the surveys and the numerous information and awareness actions carried out by the teaching staff or promoted by several faculties, schools and the ‘Manuel Sanchis Guarner’ Quality Unit are some of the main factors that justify this trend.

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Education and Quality and the Quality Unit of the Centre for Education and Quality ‘Manuel Sanchis Guarner’ have expressed their satisfaction about the participation of all the areas of the university community in the teaching assessment survey process. Therefore, they have emphasised that these figures “indicates a major strength of the quality culture and the importance of the monitoring and renewal processed of the certification of our degrees”.

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