Tomás Sala, Medal of the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence

  • Press Office
  • May 27th, 2019
Tomás Sala.
Tomás Sala.

The Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence has awarded its Medal to Tomás Sala Franco, emeritus professor of the Department of Labour and Social Security Law at the Universitat de València. The award ceremony was held on Friday 24 May at the Valencia Bar Association. Sala received this distinction for his "prestigious professional career and unquestionable merits as a lawyer".

Tomás Sala studied at the Faculty of Law of the Universitat de València and graduated as a doctgor at the University of Bologna at the end of the 1960s. He won the chair of Labour Law at the end of the 1970s. In addition to other posts, Tomás was secretary general of the Universitat de València with the rector Joaquín Colomer He is currently retired, but maintains links with the Universitat in the capacity of professor emeritus.

His teaching was projected onto a large number of professors of Labour Law at the Universitat de València and also at other universities.

In addition to his extensive teaching and research dedication, Tomás Sala has been president of the National Advisory Committee on Collective Agreements and regional Committees (CCNCC).