Trinidad Alfonso Foundation Awards for top university students

Two student athletes from the Universitat de València have each won an award for balancing academic excellency with elite sport.

13 de may de 2024

The top student athletes
The top student athletes

The Trinidad Alfonso Foundation Awards are given to university students with an excellent academic record and sporting achievements, in both the women’s and men’s categories, in all universities of the Valencian Community for the 2022-23 academic year. The Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) hosts the event, providing the personnel for this year’s Autonomous University Sports Championship (CADU) and the next.

The best university athletes

Volleyball players from the Universitat de València Nikola Einberga and Víctor Micó have won the award. These athletes have also managed to balance the elite sport practice with high academic results.

The other awarded athletes are: Laura Oria and Alberto Varela from the UCV, Salomé Alcaraz and José Tomás López Bonmatí from the UA, Paula González Barber and Aitor López Carrillo from the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Lucía Serralta and Sergi Planelles from the UMH, Rosa Peris and Alexander Acamer from the UJI, and Laura Domene and Carlos Sánchez Vidal from the UPV. The best graduated athletes are Cristina Arraiz Sancho from the UPV and Miguel Baidal from the UA.

Institutional representation

The principals and representatives of the different university centres of the Valencian Community have also attended: UCV Principal José Manuel Pagán, Trinidad Alfonso Foundation President Juan Miguel Gómez, UV Sports Service Ana Gómez, UPV Principal José Esteban Capilla, UJI Principal Eva Alcón, UMH Principal Juan José Ruiz Martínez, CEU-UCH Principal Higinio Marín and UA Vice-Principal for Culture and Sports.

Renewal of the collaboration agreement

Furthermore, the Universitat de València and the other Valencian universities have renewed their commitment with the Trinidad Alfonso Foundation to promote sport in university education, through the Uniesport initiative. Through this agreement, the universities and the foundation seek to raise awareness in society and among athletes of the importance of balancing study and sport. They also want to draw attention to this unknown university sector and turn their athletes into Valencia’s ambassadors.

The collaboration agreement consists of helping young students to reconcile professional sport and education, as well as raising awareness of the Autonomous University Sports Championship (CADU). They also work on promoting the brand Comunidad del Deporte (Sports Community) by financing equipment and providing financial support for student athletes who participate in international competitions. On the other hand, the foundation, directed by Juan Roig, will provide financial support to FIERO Project athletes who are studying for an undergraduate, a master or a doctorate degree.

The future of the awards

In conclusion, it has been announced that there will be another edition of the Trinidad Alfonso Foundation Awards for student athletes. Like in previous years, a call will be published in each of the 7 universities for both men’s and women’s awards for students who balance their sporting career with their university studies. Each of the 16 students will receive a prize of €1,000 and a commemorative badge. There will also be two annually Special Awards for the students who complete their studies with the best academic records in any of the 7 universities. The reward will consist of a €2,000 prize and a commemorative badge. The foundation will finance the prizes.

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