Two professors of the Universitat de València honoured by the Oenophile Club of the Polytechnic University of Valencia

Francisco Higón Tamarit, professor of the Department of Applied Economics, and Isabel Pardo Cubillos, professor of the Department of Microbiology and Ecology; have been honoured by the Oenophile Club of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. They were recognised because of their contribution to the dissemination of Wine Culture.

22 de june de 2018

Francisco Higón i Isabel Pardo, amb altres participants en l'homenatge.
Francisco Higón i Isabel Pardo, amb altres participants en l'homenatge.

On 20 June, the closing celebration of the Oenophile Club activities was held. The homage took place during this event.

Francisco Higón and Isabel Pardo managed the Interuniversity Chair of Vineyards and Wine, which was established between both state universities. It was created in 2008, but finished its activity in 2011. It educated, researched and disseminated the wine culture. Once it disappeared, the professors Higón and Pardo continued to carry out dissemination tasks within the Universitat de València until 2016.

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