The Universitat de València and the Autonomus University of Encarnación renew their partnership agreement

The vice-principal of Degree Studies of Language Policy Service, Isabel Vázquez, and the principal and a co-founder of the Autonomus University of Encarnación (UNAE) of Paraguay, Nadia Czeraniuk, renewed the partnership agreement between two universities.

7 de february de 2020

The signed agreement allowsthe Autonomus University of Encarnaciónto continue forming a part of the research center in public politicies ofthe Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy (Polibienestar)of the Universitat de València. UNAE is the second leading university in the South America.

Additionally, the principalNadia Czeraniukdelivered a lecture “Cultural literacy as social university responsibility in Paraguay” in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The lecture followed the introduction of the Institute Polibienestar,Jorge Garcés, and the professor Francisco Ródenas.

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