The Universitat de València calls aids to promote gender equality

The Equality Unit calls aids, for the sixth straight year, for the organisation of awareness campaigns, lectures, conferences and other public acts that aim to promote equality between women and men as well as the visibility of women in the university field. The deadline for delivering the requests starts today 9 January and finish 1 February and all the association, groups or people performing services at the Universitat de València can participate.

9 de january de 2017

The Equality Unit manage this call of the UV. Both bases and requests are available on the website and on the notice board.

Since 2012 this kind of aids have been called, which allowed for the elaboration of over 100 activities in all the campus. It has been made, among others, the co-education day “Equality can also be learnt”, organised for this call and is the fifth edition, a referent for education students and professors; the day about “Genre Gap” or the equality interaction during the Welcome Week of the UV with a special day about genre, health and communication.

Some of the initiatives launched are: inequality, urbanism and genre, co-education, genre violence, workplace and sexual harassment, science with a genre perspective, audiovisual short stories to prevent genre violence, contests, awards, theatres, workshops.

As in previous years, the Student Council Branch through the SeDi Information and Promotion Service and the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality through the Quality Unit, call also the aids “Març per la Igualtat” (“March for Equality”), addressed to students associations and collectives to carry out sociocultural activities in the framework of the Week for Equality. The two calls respond to the fulfilment and the concrete objectives of the second Equality Plan of the institution.

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