The Universitat de València is the Spanish university with the highest number of references in Google Scholar

According to the Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations Transparency Ranking, the Universitat de València has the highest number of references in Google Scholar in Spain. It is ranked the 16th in Europe and the 101st in the World (out of 5,960 institutions).

5 de july de 2018

Particularly, the Universitat de València has 446,666 references. It is followed by the University of Barcelona (295,717) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (278,818). In Europe, the ranking is led by the University of Cambridge (1,124,226 references), the College of London (1,049,476) and the University of Oxford (1,009,074). The Transparent Ranking is globally headed by the University of Harvard (1,699,962 references), Stanford University (1,361,704) and the University of California in Berkeley (1,260,364).

This classification is a version of the Ranking Web of Universities published by Webometric on June. This classification does not use the institutional profiles of Google Scholar Citations (GSC) at the request of many universities. Nonetheless, these data will be used as an indicator of transparency in the next edition of the Webometrics Ranking, which is expected for July 2018.

Google Scholar Citations offers a simple way to find the references of the articles so that they can verify who is referencing their publications, chart the references on time and calculate several metrics of the references.

You can find the data published in the ranking at the UV Analysis and Programming Service:

You can access theranking:

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