The Universitat de València organises the XIV international congress on Hispanic onomastics

The Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València holds on 9, 10, 11 and 12 April the XIV international congress on Hispanic onomastics. The sessions will take place with the generic title ‘La circularitat de la toponímia i l’antroponímia hispànica: documentació, història, etimologia, geografia i cartografia’.

27 de march de 2024

Detail of the conference poster
Detail of the conference poster

The opening conference, which will take place at 16:30 on Tuesday, 9 April, will be headed by Ana Boullon (University of Santiago), coordinator of the TopHisp project, and will be titled “La aportación del TopHisp en los estudios de la toponimia hispánica”.

According to one of the organisers, full-time university professor Emili Casanova, the objective of this congress is to bring the study of onomastics close to society, “especially to young researchers of the different knowledge branches”. Also, to explain the patrimonial, historical, linguistic, ethnographical and geographical value of toponymy and anthroponymy.

The participants collaborate to elaborate a sub-corpus of onomastic documentation, with the contribution of contents by all current researchers (university, local and archivists), as well as taking into account the data provided by the previously available bibliography, in order to facilitate the writing of toponymic works (municipal monographs, articles, book entriesm nomenclature cards, etc.).

The congress will allow for the better learning of the methodology of onomastic study from the best romanists, as well as publish and show a variety of toponymical monographs that explain the proper names of places from an etymological and motivational perspective.

Among the topics of the congress are: documentation as an essential element of onomastic study, historical toponymy, the circularity of toponyms and anthroponyms, and cartographied toponymy.

The congress will include a concert by Lluís el Sifoner and pianist Arcadi Valiente, on Thursday, 11 April at 20:00, in the Sanchis Guarner Hall. Titled ‘Paraules en to major’, El Sifoner will sing poems by Vicent Andrés Estellés and Anfós Ramon.

The complete programme can be checkedhere.

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