The Universitat de València organizes the international seminar in “Museums, Landscapes and Neighborhoods”

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • June 2nd, 2018
Presentación del seminario
Presentación del seminario. De izquierda a derecha: el diputado Xavier Rius, el secretario autonómico Josep Vicent Boira, el vicerrector Jorge Hermosilla, el presidente de Icom-Europa y la directora del proyecto EU-LAC Museums.

The International Council of Museums (Icom) and the Universitat de València have organized within the project EU-LAC Museums this meeting in which international experts have deliberated on the social function of museums and its relationship with the landscape. The sessions took place at the Cultural Centre La Nau and the Faculty of Geography and History. The seminar will finish on Saturday 2 of June with a visit to the Huerta of Valencia and the Albufera.

The inauguration of the seminar was organized by the Vice-Principal of Territorial Projection and Society, Jorge Hermosilla; the Regional Secretary of Housing, Public Works and Territorial Planning, Josep Vicent Boira; the Deputy of Culture of Provincial Government of Valencia, Xavier Rius; the President of Icom-Europa, Luis Raposo; and the Director of the project Horizon 2020 EU-LAC Museums, Karen Brown. It took place on 31 May at La Nau.

Hugues de Varine is considered an international referent in Museology. He lectured the inaugural conference, in which he explained how collection museology is being set aside by territorial museology. He focuses on the concept of ecomuseum that he coined in 1971. This session also counted with the conferences of the President of Icom-Italy, Alberto Garlandini, and the expert in Heritage Interpretation, Manel Miró. The session took place at La Nau and finished with a panel of discussion moderated by Karen Brown. Several experts discussed about the community museums of Portugal, Israel, France, Italy, Slovenia, and Mexico. The president of Icom-Europe, Luis Raposo, was also present.

The Friday session took place at the Faculty of Geography and History. It started with a conference given by the Dean of the Faculty, Josep Montesinos (History of Art). He offered an academic vision of the academic landscape and cultural patrimony. Francisco Tamarit and Joan Seguí (current and former directors of the Valencian Museum of Ethnology) analysed the Valencian network of local museums. Back to the international scope, the President of Icom in Latin America and the Caribbean, Samuel Franco, introduced the definition of “community museum”. The professor Karin Weil of the Universidad Austral de Chile and the President of Icom-Perú, Luis Repetto, explained the benefits that community museums provide to Chilean and Peruvian societies.

The director of Horizon 2020 EU-LAC Museums, Karen Brown, explained the details of this project that intends to improve the relationship between Europe and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries in the field of community museology. It is a consortium project coordinated by St. Andrews University in Scotland. Other universities also participate in the project, such as the Universitat de València.

The professor Jorge Hermosilla (professor of Geography) explained the concept Integral Territorial Museum. It is a real alternative to showcase the Valencian cultural landscape. His intervention was focused on the keys of the future Executive Plan of the Huerta de Valencia. The Day finished with a panel of discussion moderated by the professor José Luis Jiménez (director of the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage of the Universitat de València). The Deputy Manager of the General Directorate of Valencian Culture of the Valencian Government, Antonio Bravo; the Director of the Regional Museum l’Horta Sud, Clara Pérez; and the professors of the Universitat de València Emilio Iranzo (Geography) and Ester Alba (History of Art).

Hugues de Varine impartió la conferencia De la muséologie de collection à la muséologie de territoire.