The Universitat de València Philharmonic Orchestra calls the 2017 entrance exams

The Universitat de València Philharmonic Orchestra has trained hundreds of people that work in Spanish and European professional orchestras over 20 year history. For the following academic year, the Universitat de València Philharmonic Orchestra looks for new members for the orchestra and calls the entrance exams (bassoon, trombone, tuba, percussion, violin, viola, cello and double bass).

17 de july de 2017

The exams will take place from 23rd October at the Charles Darwin Hall, Aulari Interfacultatiu (Av. Primero de Mayo, s/n), at the Burjassot Campus of the Universitat de València.

The access requirements are: not to be older than 23 years old, to be studying at least the last years of the higher music education and to be university student will be an asset.

The Orchestra offers financial aid to music training, free-elective credits for the university students as well as the students of the Superior School of Music ‘Joaquín Rodrigo’ of Valencia and the master’s degree in artistic studies of musical interpretation; teacher training, promotion of soloists and chamber groups…

The goal of the Orchestra, which is directed by Hilari Garcia Gázquez, is to provide high quality training in orchestra interpretation with specialised teaching staff for each of the families of musical instruments.

The season of the regular rehearsals is from September to June. To pre-register in the exams, you need to fill the application form that can be consulted on line through the Musical Activities Area of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València


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