The Universitat encourages the culture of entrepreneurship in the collaboration agreement with Valencia Town Hall

  • Office of the Principal
  • November 20th, 2018
Signing the agreement

Rector of the Universitat, Mª Vicenta Mestre, along with the first deputy major, Sandra Gómez, has signed the agreement for the framework of collaboration between the University of Valencia and the CV Foundation in a pact for the occupation of the city of Valencia (València Activa) and the boosting of local talent and entrepreneur culture.

Other people who have attended the event are Vice-chancellor of Innovation and Transference, Mª Dolores Real; vice-chancellor of Internationalisation and Cooperation, Carles Padilla; coordinator of the area of Sustainable Economic Development of the Town Hall, Julio Olmos; the head of the Economic Promotion, Internalisation and Tourism service, Silvia Sancho; the dean of the Faculty of Economy, José Manuel Pastor; Professor of Economy, Amaparo Cervera; and Professor of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication, Vicente Andreu.

Vice-chancellor Mª Vicenta Mestre has stated that one of the missions of the Universitat de València is the transfer to society of “agreements such as the one we are signing now, in addition to the numerous chairs we have between both institutions, allow for this transference of knowledge and enrichment of society to happen. It is extremely satisfactory to continue working with the Town Hall and have its support in many of the actions that we carry out”, has outlined the vice-chancellor.

“The Town Hall of València must be a great active agent in the development and planning of the new economic model that we want for the city. This task plays a key role in the production of talent by the University as well as the creation of an entrepreneur culture which will move the new València”, has outlined Sandra Gómez.

The signed agreement aims to organise and support actions of promotion, training and other activates which spread the creation and consolidation of start-ups and new economic initiatives in the city of València.

Along with the signature of this framework, there has been a follow up of two other joined actions between the University and the Town Hall. On the one hand, there was an evaluation of the great response to the agreement of collaboration for carrying out joined actions amongst Valencian and Chinese societies. Professor Vicente Andreu has taken advantage of the situation to remind the important role of the Confucius Institute of the University Confucius Institute of the University in China.

On the other hand, the career of the Cátedra MESVAL has been also analysed. Dean José Manuel Pastor has outlined the importance of this chair to revise and reconsider the current economic models, as well as to promote ones that are more human. The Càtedra Mesval attempts to promote, develop and intensify the vigilance and transformation of the economic model of València, taking into consideration the diversity of its economic and social agents under a perspective of government, innovation, sustainability (economic, social and environmental), competition, human wellbeing and globalisation.  
