The Universitat gives the Olga Quiñones Awards, which include gender perspective and are committed to gender equality

21 de june de 2022

The principal of the Universitat de València, Mavi Mestre, accompanied by the director of the University Institute of Women’s Studies, Gabriela Moriana, and the vice-principal for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies, Helena Rausell, has given the “A. Olga Quiñones Fernández” Awards in their eighth edition in a ceremony held at the Paranymph of the Universitat de València.

The A. Olga Quiñones Fernández Award aims to reward studies that talk about women, are feminists, address discrimination suffered by women, include gender perspective or are committed to effective gender equality.

In this occasion, the ceremony has been conducted by the director of the Equality Unit, Rosa Mochales, and has been attended by the retired professor of the Universitat de València Maria Luisa Moltó.

In the Undergraduate Degree Final Project modality, the jury has decided to give the award to Paula Andrés Herrera for her work “Alteracions sobre els astròcits i el transformador de glutamat GLT-1 en el còrtex prefrontal induïdes per dolor inflamatori: estudi preclínic amb perspectiva de gènere” (Alterations on astrocytes and glutamate transformer GLT-1 in the prefrontal cortex induced by inflammatory pain: a preclinical study with a gender perspective), directed by professors Lucía Teresa Hipólito Cubedo and Ana Polache Vengut.

The jury has also given Teresa Perales Miguel a secondary award for her work “Anàlisi de l’audiència sàfica de ficció audiovisual a través del fenòmen Luimelia” (Analysis of the sapphic audience of audiovisual fiction through the Luimelia phenomenon), directed by professor Lucía Márquez Martínez.

In the Master’s Degree Final Project modality, the jury has agreed on the quality and excellence of two works and has given the award ex aequo to Daniela Paz Farfán Montes for her work “Cuerpo, cordura y locura. Aproximaciones a la psicoterapia feminista y al activismo loco desde una perspectiva interseccional” (Body, sanity, and madness. Approaches to feminist psychotherapy and mad activism from an intersectional perspective), directed by Amparo Bonilla Campos, and to María Amparo Belenguer Sales for her work “Descodificando los discursos antifeministas en Youtube” (Decoding anti-feminist speeches on Youtube), directed by Lucía Gómez Sánchez.

In this modality, the jury has decided to give Marta Herrero Herrero the secondary award for her work “Músiques i dones. Érem, som i serem” (Musicians and women. We were, we are and we will be), directed by Mª Jesús Bravo Sánchez.

In the doctoral thesis modality, the jury has decided to give the award to Esther Parpal Cabanes for her work “Imagen y género en el arte maya. Análisis iconográfico de las representaciones femeninas del período clásico” (Image and gender in Mayan art. Iconographic analysis of female representations of the classic period), directed by Mª Cristina Vidal Lorenzo, and the secondary award to María José Barbé Villarrubia for her work “Mujeres migradas, empoderamiento y participación social: un análisis feminista a través de trayectorias vitales de mujeres lationamericanas en la ciudad de Valencia” (Migrant women, empowerment and social participation: a feminist analysis through the life trajectories of Latin American women in the city of Valencia), directed by Joan Lacomba Vázquez.

The award is named after A. Olga Quiñones Fernández, the first director of the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València and a woman linked to this institution and the fight for gender equality. This award is part of the fifth central concept of the II Equality Plan of the Universitat de València (2013-2017), dedicated to research and teaching and confirming the will of promoting and strengthening the gender perspective in the undergraduate degree and postgraduate studies and the research contents, which has been kept in the current III Equality Plan (2019-2022) of the institution.