The Universitat organises the 1st Congress about employment quality from a psychosocial perspective

  • Tarongers Institutes Support Unit
  • October 18th, 2019
Fragment del cartell del congrés

The Research Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life (IDOCAL) organises on October 22th and 23th the “1st Congress about employment and work quality from a psychosocial perspective and organizational”.

The congress, which will be in the Faculty of Psychology, take place in the context of the research project BELASOS (Bienestar Sostenible en el Trabajo) (Sustainable Wellness at Work) and EMPQUAL (Nuevos desafíos en el estudio del bienestar laboral en el escenario de salida de la crisis. Estudio internacional de la calidad del empleo, factores personales, generacionales y socio-culturales) (New challenges in the work well-being study in the road to emerging from the crisis. International study of work quality, personal, generational and sociocultural factors). Both projects are coordinated by the research institute IDOCAL (Universitat de València) and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund.

The congress aim, according to the explanation of it directors: Nuria Tordera and José María Peiró, is “to think about the different factors that have an impact on the work and employment quality, the wellness and the work performance at present attending to the results of the research projects previously mentioned”.

In addition, at the congress it will be analysed the results of the projects and it will be make public and share this results with the interested agents of other public and private institutions. The organisers add too “we will think about the different factors (organizational, personal and cultural), which have an impact on the work and employment quality, the wellness and the work performance at present from a transnational and transcultural perspective”.

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