The Universitat participates in the Igualment Fest, which vindicates gender equality and confronts sexism

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • November 24th, 2019
Staff from the Institute of Molecular Science at the Universitat de València (ICMol).
Personal de l'Institut de Ciència Mol·lecular (ICMol) de la Universitat de València, aquest matí a la Plaça de l'Ajuntament de València. Foto: ICMOL.

València has hosted this Sunday 24th the Igulament Fest, a festival that celebrates gender equality and confronts male violence from a positive, artistic and social approach. The event is part of València City Council’s programme for the events of the 25th November, and the Universitat de València has collaborated with institutions such as Las Naves, IVAJ and the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian’s Government), among others.

It is a festive day, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Plaza of València’s City Hall, in which cultural and social entities and agents have brought the message of equality between women and men closer to the public. Workshops, concerts, musical performances and children's activities have been the acts performed. On behalf of the Institute of Molecular Science at the Universitat de València (ICMol)  has held three scientific workshops for kids: “¡Prepara tu Blandi Blub!” (Make your own slime!), “¡Tintas invisibles” (Invisible Ink), and also “¡Ven y sintetiza aquí tu MOF de esponja molecular y purifica nuestras aguas! Materiales porosos para salvar el planeta” (Come over and synthesize your molecular sponge and purify our waters! Porous materials to save the planet).

During the day, the fair was attended by a series of socio-cultural entities that are committed to gender equality. Each one, located in its own space, has affirmed its objectives, programmes and accomplishments focused on equality.  Among them, the project Girls4STEM ( aimed to promoting STEM vocations (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), especially among girls. Project that takes place on the Engineering Technical School of the Universitat de València (ETSE-UV).

Igualment Fest has been conducted by the journalist Amàlia Garrigós and, throughout the morning, the music bands Lesbianbanda, Skankin Sisters and Friends, Sandra Bernardo and La Otra entertained the public with their musical performances, in addition to shows such as Ser o no ser mujer, Esa es la cuestión or Dominas, Chonis y Princesas.

Igualment Fest Programme