The Universitat welcomes diversity with workshops, short film exhibition and a multi-coloured glitter desk in the Concert de Benvinguda.

“Welcome diversity” is the programme of the diversities initiative that takes place in the Benvinguda a la Universitat , which is organised by Delegació d’Estudiants through Sedi (Information and Promotion Service for Students). It is launched for first year students. The Benvinguda is a meeting point of the university community that includes music, theatre plays, art…

18 de october de 2019

Cartell del festival Mostra la Ploma
Cartell del festival Mostra la Ploma

The schedule includes workshops in the different campus, the organisation of a multi-coloured glitter desk in the Concert de Benvinguda and the section Mostra la Ploma at the Universitat. This section, organised by Lambda, is the 5th Edition of international short film Festival for sexual diversity of gender and familiar.


The first workshop, which gives Demetrio Gómez, gypsy activist and member of LGBTIQA+ Romany European Movement and president of Ververipen, Rroms por la diversidad, was about intersectionality and decoloniality. It took place on October 17th from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Blasco Ibáñez Campus.

This October 18th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tarongers Campus, Laila Serra will give the workshop about gender’s islamophobia. She is trainer in intersectionality and transnational feminism and researcher of critical analyses of the speech from a feminist perspective.

The last workshop will be a meeting with Rubén H. Bermúdez, photographer and teacher, author of the book: Y tú, ¿por qué eres negro? This session will take place on October 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Burjassot Campus.

Seats are limited. Free enrolment and you must send an e-mail with your name, first name and the workshop to till 24 hours before.

Coloured glitter desk in the Concert de Benvinguda

On October 18th in the Concert de Benvinguda, which sold out the tickets on July, there will be a coloured glitter desk to spread the diversity initiatives in the Universitat. This information and awareness desk is made with the collaboration of LGTB+ groups from the Universitat de València: Polyformia and Lliure(ment).

Mostra la Ploma at the Universitat de València

The 5th edition of Mostra la Ploma Festival that was presented the last Friday (October 11th) at Centre del Carmen introduces a new parallel section unofficial: Mostra la Ploma at the Universitat.

The fact that the festival’s dates are moved to October has allowed for including into the Benvinguda’s programme and get close to younger people, said Ruth Mestre, head of Iniciatives de Diversitat (Diversity Initiatives) of the Universitat. Mestre has pointed out that it is important to put closer to the student body the problems included in the programme, which this year focuses on the trans world.

On October 22th, 23th and 24th will be projected a selection of short films in three Campus of the Universitat de València to get to know and discuss about some current questions of the LGTBIQ+ Community around the world.

You can show the film’s programme at the Festival’s web:

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