The UV starts Christmas with a concert on Friday

The musical groups of the UV prepared a very intense music programme due to Christmas festivities in several cities and university areas. A total of 10 concerts, with the remarkable performance at the Palau de la Música de València, on Friday 9 December, at 19:30 hours.

9 de december de 2016

In the concert at the Palau de la Música some performances will take place, such as the Philharmonic Orchestra of the University of Valencia, the Orfeó Valencià and four children’s choir: the Escola Coral la Nau of the UV, the Orfeó Valencià Infantil, the Escola Coral de l’Eliana and the Escola de Música de Camp de Morvedre.

The Philharmonic Orchestra of the University of Valencia has prepared a typical Christmas concert for the Christmas performance for the 9 December. According to the director, Hilari Garcia, “the programme is specially designed for a young and child audience, with festive and educational music”. This is why the first part will star with the Philharmonic Orchestra playing “The Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), through which the youngest children could identify which animal is being performed.

In the second part of the concert, the Orchestra, together with the Orfeó Valencià, the four children’s choir, the soprano Marta Mathéu and the baritone Vicente Antequera, will perform “Mass of the children”, by John Rutter (1945). The programme, in detail:

The performance of the Palau de la Música will have around 200 performers in this concert that will bring together different music groups and this year will celebrate the fourth edition. The tickets for the concert will be available in this link and in the box office of the Palau de la Música de València.

Apart from this concert, the different university music groups will offer several concerts in different cities and university areas on the occasion of Christmas. For more information:

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