The UV takes part in the project that aims to transform the PAI of Benimaclet

The residents’ association of Benimaclet has encouraged a participatory project to improve the neighbourhood and to redesign the Benimaclet PAI. The Universitat de València and Universitat Politècnica de València have taken part in. Thanks to the process, which started in 2015, the project ‘Benimaclet, the integration city-vegetable garden’ was born and it has been present at the City Hall of Valencia.

23 de june de 2017

The presentation act, which took place this week, has counted on the participation of: the Principal of the UV, Esteban Morcillo; the Principal of the UPV, Francisco Mora; the president of the Residents’ Association of Benimaclet, Antonio Pérez; the mayor of the city, Joan Ribó; the councillor for city planning, Vicent Sarrià and the councillor for participation, Jordi Peris.

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