The Valencian government recognises members and services of the Universitat de València at the 9th October Awards.

On the occasion of the commemoration of 9th October, the Valencian Community Day, the Valencian Government has conferred four distinctions on people and entities that are part of the Universitat de València or closely linked to the institution.

13 de october de 2021

The Valencian government (Generalitat Valenciana) has deemed worthy of the Distinction for Scientific Merit the full university professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Universitat de València, Dolores Corella, and the oncohaematologist at the Health Research Institute (ISS) Hospital La Fe and honorary professor at the Universitat, Miguel Ángel Sanz.

In addition, the publishing house Publicacions of the Universitat de València has received the Distinction of the Generalitat in its centenary, whereas the Erasmus Scene Project, which seeks the integration of students participating in this mobility programme through theatre, has received the Lluís Vives Distinction.

With a brilliant academic career at the Universitat de València, where in addition to being a full university professor of Medicine she holds a PhD in Pharmacy, Dolores Corella, besides being a dedicated professor, is a pioneering researcher in epidemiological research, in which she integrated her knowledge of nutritional genomics in a novel way. In 1998, she also created the first Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Research Unit, which she runs, and since 2006 she runs the CIBER group for Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition too.

For his part, the now retired physician Miguel Ángel Sanz, who studied for his doctorate at the Universitat de València, worked for more than forty years in the treatment of leukaemia and other oncohaematological diseases. He was the head of the Research Group at IIS La Fe and Director of the Oncohaematology Department at the same hospital.His extraordinary career highlights the very high percentage of patients with myeloid leukaemia who have managed to control their disease and have a life expectancy similar to that of healthy people, as well as his presidency of various research groups.

The award granted to Publicacions of the Universitat de València (PUV) recognises the century of life of this publishing house which links the Universitat de València and books. Along with a long award-winning track record, received in various renowned contests, the university publishing house also collaborates with different local, regional and national associations that broadens its field of influence.

Finally, the Valencian government has rewarded the innovative initiative Erasmus Scene, a project sponsored by the offices of the vice-principal for Culture and Sports, Equality, Diversity and Sustainability, as well as for Internationalisation and Cooperation, under the direction of CRIT Companyia de Teatre, which manages to make the most of the creative potential of exchange students visiting València to develop performance workshops and theatre training.