Writers Antonio Muñoz Molina and Ferran Torrent are the protagonists of the April programme of the UV Literature Society

Two renowned Spanish writers, Antonio Muñoz Molina and Ferran Torrent, will participate in the Literature Society of the Universitat de València in April. They will visit the La Nau Cultural Centre on 11 and 18 April respectively. Both round tables will take place in the Cloister at 19:00. The entry is free and limited to the capacity of the venue.

12 de april de 2024

Ferran Torrent and Antonio Muñoz Molina.
Ferran Torrent and Antonio Muñoz Molina.

On Thursday 11 April, Antonio Muñoz Molina reflected on his literary work with the writer Paco Cerdà in the colloquium titled '1984-2024: 40 years of a literary Robinson'. This discussion was a conversational journey through four decades of Muñoz Molina's books – starting from El Robinson urbano, his first published work in 1984, reissued by Seix Barral in 2023, to the present day. The large audience present in the cloister listened delectably to the Spanish writer.

Furthermore, on Thursday 18 April, Ferran Torrent (Columna Cat, 2023) will be the protagonist of a colloquium on the occasion of the publication of his latest book Memòries de mi mateix. This novel dives deep into an international plot about classical and contemporary art forgery – up until 2019 – through the story of the beginnings of Mític Regino, a character who sees himself inevitably hampered by the historical context. The event will be attended by the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, Ester Alba, and the Director of the Literature Society, professor Cristina García Pascual.

Antonio Muñoz Molina. Born in Úbeda (Jaén) in 1956. He has gathered his articles in volumes such as El Robinson urbano (1984) or La vida por delante (2002). His narrative work comprises Beatus Ille (1986), El invierno en Lisboa (1987), Beltenebros (1989), El jinete polaco (1991), Los misterios de Madrid (1992), El dueño del secreto (1994), Ardor guerrero (1995), Plenilunio (1997), Carlota Fainberg (2000), En ausencia de Blanca (2001), Ventanas de Manhattan (2004), El viento de la Luna (2006), Sefarad (2001), La noche de los tiempos (2009), Como la sombra que se va (2014), Un andar solitario entre la gente (2018), Tus pasos en la escalera (2019), El miedo de los niños (2020), Volver a dónde (2021), No te veré morir (2023), the volume of short stories Nada del otro mundo (2011) and the essay Todo lo que era sólido (2013). His awards include the Princess of Asturias Award for Literature, the Premio Planeta, the Jerusalem Prize and the Prix Médicis Étranger. He was also a finalist for the 2018 International Booker Prize for his novel Como la sombra que se va. He has been a member of the Royal Spanish Academy since 1995. He lives in Madrid and Lisbon, and he is married to the writer Elvira Lindo.

Ferran Torrent (Sedaví) is one of Spain's most established writers, the author of successful works that have won him several awards, such as the Premi Sant Jordi de novel·la, the Joan Crexells Award, the Premio Nacional de la Crítica or the Serra d'Or Critics prize. His work has been translated into Spanish, French, German, Romanian and Italian. His novels include acclaimed works such as Gràcies per la propina (1994, Premi Sant Jordi), Societat limitada (2002) and Bulevard dels Francesos (2010). His latest novels are Un dinar un dia qualsevol (2015), Individus com nosaltres (2017) and Poder contar-ho (2019). Memòries de mi mateix is his latest novel. He has been awarded with the VI Roís de Corella Award for literary trajectory, as well as with the 2023 Premi Lletraferit de Cultura Valenciana.

The Literature Society of the Universitat de València, which depends on the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, acts as a bridge between literature and university life. It focuses on the promotion of literary creation and the encouragement of reading and writing through various activities such as talks or meetings with writers, conferences, round tables, and reading or writing workshops. Its programme is aimed at both the university community and the general public, and is directed by Cristina García Pascual, Full Professor of Legal Philosophy and Political Philosophy at the Universitat de València.

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