Ximo Puig presents today at La Nau the book ‘Nou viatge pel País Valencià’ of Nèstor Novell and Josep Sorribes

Ximo Puig, president of the Valencian Government, presents today Thursday (28th September) in the assembly hall of the Universitat de València (Cultural Centre La Nau) the book ‘Nou viatge pel País Valencià’ of Nèstor Novell y Josep Sorribes. The event starts at 19 hours.

28 de september de 2017

Detalle de la cubierta del libro.
Detalle de la cubierta del libro.

Antonio Ariño, vice-principal for Culture and Equality of the Universitat de València; Mónica Martí, vice-principal of Economic Planification of the University of Alacant; Xavier Rius, Culture deputy of the Valencian Provincial Council; and Nèstor Novell and Josep Sorribes, authors of the book will participate in the event too.

This two-volume work has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the University of Alacant, the Alfons el Magnànim Institution and the Publications Service of the Universitat de València.

It is about an extensive investigation about the social, economical and human reality of the Valencian Country and the future perspective of the post-crisis times.Nou viatge pel País Valencià presents a wide range of possibilities and current difficulties of the Valencian territory, with extensive historical incursions, in dialogue with local partners, with statistical data and previous bibliography.

This book is part of a long tradition of works about the country and its people, about ‘travels’ through the country. It begins with Cavanilles in the 18th century and the book Observaciones sobre la Historia Natural Geografía, Agricultura, Población y Frutos del Reyno de Valencia and culminates with Joan Fuster and his classic work El País Valenciano(1962). Now we have a new trip for the Valencian Country in charge of two economists of trajectory and experience contrasted in the scope of the territorial analysis and the urban economy. This book will become a classic that will be added to an illustrious genealogy. It was born of the deep concern for the future of our land at a time of inflection, elaborated with care, professionalism and sense of humor, and filled with information, analysis and references. A classic of the knowledge of the country at a certain time. An original work, that goes beyond the conventional ways.

Nèstor Novell(Gandia, 1953) is economist. He was the director of the Regional Studies and Research Centre Alfons el Vell, inspiration of the Valencian Central Regions’ project. He worked at the City Council of Gandia in the Urban Planning, Economic Promotion and Innovation Department. He has published, among othersEl llibre de la Safor(1983);Pla de promoció socioeconòmica i d’ordenació territorial de les Comarques Centrals Valencianes(2002);La Safor en xifres(2003); andRegistre meteorològic per a l’estudi de la climatologia de Gandia i el seu districte (1915-1944)of Gaietà Garcia Castelló (2006).

Josep Sorribes(València, 1951), teacher de Economics Regional y Urbana en The University de Valencia 1973-2016. Between 1979 and 1989 he was economist of the City Council of Valencia and head of bureau of the mayor Ricard Pérez Casado. He is author, among others, of Comprendre i gestionar la ciutat: un assaig d’economia i política urbana(PUV, 1997);La ciutat desitjada. València entre el passat i el futur(Tàndem, 1998);Un país de ciutats o les ciutats d’un país(PUV, 2001);València (1808-1991): en trànsit a la gran ciutat(2007); andValencia 1940-2014: construcción y destrucción de la ciudad(PUV, 2015).

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