Registration Expert Course on Data Protection

Protección Datos

Periodo del evento: Del 8 de enero de 2018 al 31 de enero de 2018. Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado y domingo de 00:00 a 00:00.


Lugar de realización: Aula OB7.Aulario Oeste. Campus Tarongers.


The current course address all the changes which are contained both in the aforementioned Regulation and in Directive 2016/680, on the purpose of prevention, investigation, detection, trial of criminal offenses or execution of criminal sanctions, and other regulations and jurisprudence that directly or indirectly affect the protection of data. The course is completed with the questions related to the society of information that complement and impact in the field of data protection.

It is aimed at the professionals of Law that in the company and the public sector will be responsible of the coordination of all the issues that in a directly or indirectly way issues that directly or indirectly affect data protection, such as "data protection officer", DPO (Data Protection Officer) as well as the training of all those people, even if they are not lawyers, who within the company or the Public Administration to be responsible for the data protection.


Servei d'Extensió Universitària.



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