Paz Lloria, new general vicesecretary of the University

  • Gabinete de la Rectora
  • 5 febrero de 2021
Paz Lloria – General Vicesecretary of the University of Valencia
Paz Lloria – General Vicesecretary of the University of Valencia

The principal of the University of Valencia, Maria Vicenta Mestre, has appointed Paz Lloria, a professor of the Department of Criminal Law, as the new general vicesecretary of the University. The Governing Council reported it in an ordinary session held on Tuesday, February 2nd.

The Office of the General Secretary of the University is currently led by the general secretary Mª Elena Olmos. The general secretary is appointed by the principal from the members of the university who meet the legal requirements and acts as such in the Senate and the Governing Council. He/she is the custodian of the university documents, the attestor of the University of Valencia and guarantees the access of the members of the university community to the knowledge of the Senate and Governing Council agreements (article 106 of the University Constitution).

The principal has appointed Paz Lloria García, tenured professor of the Department of Criminal Law, as the new general vicesecretary of the University of Valencia, in order to strengthen this university structure.

Paz Lloria is a law graduate from the University of Valencia (1992) and has a PhD in Law from the same university (2000). She completed her education with research stays in the Institut für Kriminologie und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht of the University of Freiburg (Germany) and stays in the National University of Mar de Plata and the University of Modena.

In the University of Valencia, in addition to being a tenured professor of the Department of Criminal Law, she is the director of the Chair for Citizen Protection and Local Police of Valencia (PROTECPOL) and has been the director of the Master’s Degree in Law and Gender Violence of the University of Valencia. Moreover, she has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the UV and other Spanish universities, as well as master’s degrees and training courses organized by public and private bodies. She has collaborated, outside of academia, on the training in criminal law of the local police force, judges and public prosecutors, and has delivered lectures in European and American countries.

Her research work includes different areas of Criminal Law from the General Part to the Special Part, and deals with the analysis of several crimes, such as professional intrusion, crimes against public health, intellectual property, privacy, gender violence or cybercrime.

As a researcher, she is a member of the Intellectual Property Research Group (GI+dPI), the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies in Gender Violence (CEMUVIG), the Financial Market and Consumer Law Research Group (PIM), the Ibero-American Network of Researchers in Criminal Policy and Security Institutions (POLYSEG) and the Network of Specialists in New Information and Communication Technology Law (ICT Law).

Furthermore, she has been an assessor of different scientific journals and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revista General de Derecho Penal (IUSTEL), the international Editorial Board of the Revista Sistema Penal e Informática, the Executive Board of the El Cronista del Estado de Derecho journal, the Evaluation Board of the Ley Penal journal, the Editorial Committee of the Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Procesal, and the Scientific Council of the Bosch publishing house, among others.


Archivada en: Secretaria General