Statistics and Visualization


Dynamic-interactive graphics

This paper, with Ruben Ledesma, describes the history of dynamic-interactive graphics since the book Dynamic Graphics for Statistics was publised.

Course on Visual Statistics

A course I lectured for the Eustat (the basque institute for Statistics) about interactive dynamic graphics. It is based on ViSta but I am working on an adaptation using commercial tools. The link has some written material. Click here for the lecture materials and here for other courses organized by Eustat (they are very interesting).

Parallel analysis

This paper, with Rubén Ledesma as first author, presents a computer program for Parallel analysis and a review of methods for deciding the number of factors to retain in exploratory factor analysis.

The History of ViSta

ForrestA paper published in the journal Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews explaining the history of ViSta, current situation, etc. A small tribute to Forrest W. Young that was the main developer of ViSta for so many years. Here is a link to the file.

JSS special issue on GUIs for R

RSpecial issue of the Journal of Statistical Software about GUIs for R. I was the Guest editor (with Rubén Ledesma).

Teaching multivariate data

This paper was published in thequickcluster Journal of Statistics Education and describes three activities using dynamic graphics for teaching statistics. It includes videos (with me as narrator!)

Loglinear analysis with ViSta

A paper in the JSS about a module of ViSta for performing loglinear analysis. I have improved it a lot since then and I still think its interface beats many other programs.

Gossip and Spreadplots

Spreadplots is an idea of Forrest Young that I contributed to develop by applying it to different statistical situations. I find many parallelisms between spreadplots and interactive dashboards for statistics but perhaps is only my opinion.

SPSS course

A course about multivariate analysis in SPSS. Here are the overheads for loglinear analysis. Ask me for the overheads for the other subjects if you are interested in them.

1. Basic Statistics

2. Comp Princ

3, Regresion

The Visual Statistics book

bookWritten with Forrest W. Young and Michael Friendly, provides an intuitive approach to data analysis and statistics. You can download current version of ViSta here.

JSS special issue on Lisp-Stat

xlispstatThis special issue of the Journal of Statistical Software evaluates the history of Lisp-Stat, a language for computational statistics popular in the 90s. I was the Guest editor for this special issue (with Frederic Udina).

The first statistical plot

langrenMichael van Langren can be the first in drawing what can be regarded as an statistical plot. He was trying to sell a research project to the queen of Spain (sounds familiar?). Here is a link to the preprint of a paper coauthored with Michael Friendly and Joaquin Ibáñez-Udargui and published in the American Statistician.

Ensemble graphics

This paper with Antony Unwin describes Ensemble graphics, or how to combine several plots so they convey a unified message

Automating graphical representations

This paper with Pere Millan-Martínez aimes to provide a foundation for automating the process of creating a statistical graphical out of data.



Human Factors in Traffic


Instrumented cars

This paper in the journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention describes the experiences of three research groups (Spain, UK, and Greece) using highly instrumented cars for research. I am the first author of it.

Use of navigators

A paper published in journal iet intelligent transport systems on the use of navigators while driving.

Effects of cyrrosis on driving

A paper published of the effects of illnesses on driving


Humanist conference

I was the president of the Humanist conference in Valencia in 2012. Humanist stands for Human centred design for Information Society Technologies and is a conference about human factors in in-vehicle driver information systems.

Presentation on distraction

This presentation was for the I jornadas de movilidad urbana e interurbana in San Sebastion. The overheads are here if you are interested in them.

Under-reporting of bicycles accidents

I presented the results of the analysis of the survey carried out in the COST action TU1101 in the 5º International Conference on Safety in Ciclists in Bologne 3-4 November 2016. Here are the slides of the presentation.

Now, this work is a paper in Accident Analysis and Prevention




Mindfulness in driving

Mindfulness has been applied to many scenarios and driving seems a good candidate too

Research group

The group SINTEC, which I am the director, is focused on new technologies and simulation studies in traffic and road safety.

Naturalistic driving: PROLOGUE

Naturalistic driving is an approach for research in traffic safety that involves collecting data from cars driven in real traffic. The project PROLOGUE funded by the EU was the opportunity for me to apply this methodology field trials.



Human Computer Interaction


Use of navigators

A paper published in journal iet intelligent transport systems on the use of navigators while driving.

Formal Methods in HCI

I wrote my thesis on formal methods in HCI. The document is here.




Chindogu is a japanese word that refers to things that look useful but are not. I did a presentation chindogubased on chindogus and HCI long time ago and I still think that this word should be part of the vocabulary of designers. There are so many examples!


Groups of users

This paper describes methods for drawing the mental models of users (novice, experts, etc.) so big web sites can organized according to them. Good stuff that can be useful in applied settings. Ask me for a reprint if you want to get it all.


My students at the faculty carry out small evaluations of software or web pages. I have put the abstracts of their reports and their names here so anybody interested in them may see what they do