1.- Introducction

This tutorial gives a basic introduction on how to analyze and process a detected gravitational wave, in this case GW150914 [1], with a Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF hereafter) algorithm. We will employ the algorithm in two different ways: using a unique ROF filter, and using an iteration of filters.

This tutorial is based on the LIGO Open Science Center (LOSC) tutorial for signal processing with GW150914 open data:

2.- Required content

Previous to the analysis it is necessary that the user downloads the avaiable data collected by the Advanced LIGO detectors in Hanford and Livingston. The data are accessible at the LOSC’s website. Furthermore, the python libraries numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and h5py must be downloaded and installed, as well as a LOSC script called, for reading the data. Now, we have the required tools to start.

In [33]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, iirdesign, zpk2tf, freqz

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import h5py

import readligo as rl

3.- Single-step ROF algorithm.

The first step is to load the data from both signals, Hanford (H1) and Livingston (L1), with the help of

In [34]:
# Handford
fn_H1 = 'H-H1_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5'
strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
# Livingston
fn_L1 = 'L-L1_LOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.hdf5'
strain_L1, time_L1, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(fn_L1, 'L1')

fs = 4096

# Template
NRtime, NR_H1 = np.genfromtxt('GW150914_4_NR_waveform.txt').transpose()

The analysis of the signal with the single-step ROF method proceeds along the following stages: first, the data are filtered through a band-pass filter which removes part of the experimental noise at high frequencies; second, the ROF algorithm is applied to the data (see below); finally, an additional band-pass filter is emplyed to remove the remaining noise.

We note that the first band-passing stage differs from the second one, since it is indeed a band-passing+notching. This filtering method consists in detecting the known spectral lines (e.g. frequency of the normal modes of vibration of the suspended mirrors, frequency of the electric network, etc) to remove them from the data. This method is applied by using the following functions.

In [35]:
def iir_bandstops(fstops, fs, order=4):
    """ellip notch filter
    fstops is a list of entries of the form [frequency (Hz), df, df2]                           
    where df is the pass width and df2 is the stop width (narrower                              
    than the pass width). Use caution if passing more than one freq at a time,                  
    because the filter response might behave in ways you don't expect.
    nyq = 0.5 * fs

    # Zeros zd, poles pd, and gain kd for the digital filter
    zd = np.array([])
    pd = np.array([])
    kd = 1

    # Notches
    for fstopData in fstops:
        fstop = fstopData[0]
        df = fstopData[1]
        df2 = fstopData[2]
        low = (fstop - df) / nyq
        high = (fstop + df) / nyq
        low2 = (fstop - df2) / nyq
        high2 = (fstop + df2) / nyq
        z, p, k = iirdesign([low,high], [low2,high2], gpass=1, gstop=6,
                            ftype='ellip', output='zpk')
        zd = np.append(zd,z)
        pd = np.append(pd,p)

    # Set gain to one at 100 Hz...better not notch there                                        
    bPrelim,aPrelim = zpk2tf(zd, pd, 1)
    outFreq, outg0 = freqz(bPrelim, aPrelim, 100/nyq)

    # Return the numerator and denominator of the digital filter                                
    b,a = zpk2tf(zd,pd,k)
    return b, a

def get_filter_coefs(fs):
    # assemble the filter b,a coefficients:
    coefs = []

    # bandpass filter parameters
    order = 4

    # bandpass filter coefficients 
    nyq = 0.5*fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    bb, ab = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')

    # Frequencies of notches at known instrumental spectral line frequencies.
    # You can see these lines in the ASD above, so it is straightforward to make this list.
    notchesAbsolute = np.array(
        [14.0,34.70, 35.30, 35.90, 36.70, 37.30, 40.95, 60.00, 
         120.00, 179.99, 304.99, 331.49, 510.02, 1009.99])

    # notch filter coefficients:
    for notchf in notchesAbsolute:                      
        bn, an = iir_bandstops(np.array([[notchf,1,0.1]]), fs, order=4)

    # Manually do a wider notch filter around 510 Hz etc.          
    bn, an = iir_bandstops(np.array([[510,200,20]]), fs, order=4)
    coefs.append((bn, an))

    # also notch out the forest of lines around 331.5 Hz
    bn, an = iir_bandstops(np.array([[331.5,10,1]]), fs, order=4)
    coefs.append((bn, an))
    return coefs

# Find the coefficients
coefs = get_filter_coefs(fs)

def filter_data(data_in,coefs):
    data = data_in.copy()
    for coef in coefs:
        b,a = coef
        # filtfilt applies a linear filter twice, once forward and once backwards.
        # The combined filter has linear phase.
        data = filtfilt(b, a, data)
    return data

Hence, if we implement this process on the data we obtain the following result.

In [36]:
strain_H1_filt=filter_data(strain_H1, coefs)
strain_L1_filt=filter_data(strain_L1, coefs)
# It is necessary to make a shift in L1
strain_L1_shift = -np.roll(strain_L1_filt,int(0.008*fs))

plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_filt,'r',label='H1 strain')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_L1_shift,'g',label='L1 strain')
plt.xlabel('time (s) since ')
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.title('Bandpassing+notching filtering')

As the previous figure shows, this step has removed a large quantity of noise, but it is impossible to discern the existence of the wave. Hence, we need to employ next the ROF filtering.

For an introduction to total-variation techniques, the reader is addressed to [2] and [3]. For our purpose it is sufficient to know that the ROF algorithm employs a regularization therm with a Lagrange multiplier (µ), whose value indicates the relative importance of the so-called fidelity term. In practice, using a high value of µ means that hardly no noise will be removed from the data, whereas a small value of the regularizatio parameter means that important information could be removed from the signal. Therefore, it is important to first obtain the optimal value of µ.

If we apply the ROF filter to our data, as well as to our template, for µ=0.2 (as mentioned in Torres-Forné et al (2016)) we will be able to observe the shape of gravitational-wave signal GW150914, although it remains still surrounded by noise.

In [38]:
strain_L1_shift = -np.roll(strain_L1_TV,int(0.008*fs))

# The same steps with the template
strain_NR_filt=filter_data(NR_H1, coefs)

plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV,'r',label='H1 strain')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_L1_shift,'g',label='L1 strain')
plt.plot(NRtime+0.002,strain_NR_TV,'k',label='NR strain')
plt.xlabel('time (s) since ')
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.title('ROF filter')

Finally, the only step remaining is the implementation of an additional band-pass filter, that can be found in the Pyhton library scipy.signal.

In [39]:
# Fourier transform
NFFT = 1*fs
fmin = 10
fmax = 2000
Pxx_H1, freqs = mlab.psd(strain_H1, Fs = fs, NFFT = NFFT)
Pxx_L1, freqs = mlab.psd(strain_L1, Fs = fs, NFFT = NFFT)
psd_H1 = interp1d(freqs, Pxx_H1)
psd_L1 = interp1d(freqs, Pxx_L1)
bb, ab = butter (4, [20.*2./fs, 300.*2./fs], btype='band')

# Filter application
strain_H1_TV1 = filtfilt(bb, ab, strain_H1_TV)
strain_L1_TV1 = filtfilt(bb, ab, strain_L1_TV)
strain_L1_shift = -np.roll(strain_L1_TV1,int(0.008*fs))
strain_NR_TV1 = filtfilt(bb, ab, strain_NR_TV)

# Plot
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV1,'r',label='H1 strain')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_L1_shift,'g',label='L1 strain')
plt.plot(NRtime+0.002,strain_NR_TV1,'k',label='NR strain')
plt.xlabel('time (s) since ')
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.title('Total Variation denoising')

If we want to check the spectrogram:

In [40]:
deltat=10 # seconds around the event
indxt = np.where((time_H1 >= tevent-deltat) & (time_H1 < tevent+deltat)) 
# pick a shorter FTT time interval, like 1/8 of a second:
NFFT=fs//8  #fs= 4096 s
NOVL = NFFT*15//16
# and choose a window that minimizes "spectral leakage" 
window = np.blackman(NFFT)

# Color

# H1 Spectrogram
spec_H1, freqs, bins, im = plt.specgram(strain_H1_TV1[indxt], NFFT=NFFT, Fs=fs, window=window, 
                                        noverlap=NOVL, cmap=spec_cmap, xextent=[-deltat,deltat], vmin=-550, vmax=-440)
plt.xlabel('time (s) since '+str(tevent))
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.axis([-0.5, 0.5, 0, 500])
plt.title('aLIGO H1 strain data near GW150914')

# L1 Spectrogram
spec_H1, freqs, bins, im = plt.specgram(strain_L1_TV1[indxt], NFFT=NFFT, Fs=fs, window=window, 
                                        noverlap=NOVL, cmap=spec_cmap, xextent=[-deltat,deltat], vmin=-550, vmax=-440)
plt.xlabel('time (s) since '+str(tevent))
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.axis([-0.5, 0.5, 0, 500])
plt.title('aLIGO L1 strain data near GW150914')

4.- Iterations of ROF filter

This second procedure begins in exactly the same way as the previous one, that is, the data is first filtered with a band-passing+notching filter and then the data are treated with the ROF algorithm. Contrary to the previous procedure, we now iterate the ROF algorithm a sufficient number of times to obtain accurate enough denoised data so that applying an additional band-pass filter becomes unnecessary.

We must now use a large value of the Lagrange multiplier. This is due to the fact that if we used the (optimal) value µ=0.2 for the single-step ROF and we filtered the data more than once, we would end up losing information of the signal. Therefore, we increase the value of the Lagrange multiplier, and expect that the iterative ROF will remove noise gradually.

In [41]:
#  Time-domain filtering - Bandpassing+notching
coefs = get_filter_coefs(fs)

iterations=10 # Number of iterations

# H1
strain_H1_filt=filter_data(strain_H1, coefs)   
while i<iterations:

# L1
strain_L1_filt=filter_data(strain_L1, coefs)
while i<iterations:    
strain_L1_shift = -np.roll(strain_L1_TV,int(0.008*fs))

# Template
strain_NR_filt=filter_data(NR_H1, coefs)
strain_NR_TV1 = filtfilt(bb, ab, strain_NR_TV)

# Plot
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV,'r',label='H1 strain')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_L1_shift,'g',label='L1 strain')
plt.plot(NRtime+0.002,strain_NR_TV,'k',label='NR strain')
plt.xlabel('time (s) since ')
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.title('Total Variation denoising with iterations')

If we want to observe the effect of each iteración of the ROF filter, we can display the gradient, where the intesity of the colour blue is associated with the number of iterations.

In [42]:
#  Time-domain filtering - Bandpassing+notching
coefs = get_filter_coefs(fs)
strain_H1_filt=filter_data(strain_H1, coefs)   

# Plot
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV1,label='H1 strain',color='#d4daff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV2,label='H1 strain',color='#bac4ff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV3,label='H1 strain',color='#a1aeff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV4,label='H1 strain',color='#8798ff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV5,label='H1 strain',color='#6e82ff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV6,label='H1 strain',color='#546dff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV7,label='H1 strain',color='#3b57ff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV8,label='H1 strain',color='#2141ff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV9,label='H1 strain',color='#082bff')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV10,'#2c328c',label='H1 strain')
plt.xlabel('time (s) since ')
plt.title('ROF iterations')

DENOISiNG GW151226 data

1.- Introducción

In this part of the tutorial, we will denoise the second gravitational wave detected, GW151226 [4], using the ROF algorithm. As for the case of GW150914, the reading of the data and the band-passing step are based on the LOSC tutorial;

2.- Reading GW151226

The reading of the detected signal GW161226, as well as the numerical relativity template, will be presented as they are in the LOSC tutorial. The data can be downloaded from the previous link.

In [43]:
#-- SET ME   Tutorial should work with most binary black hole events
#-- Default is no event selection; you MUST select one to proceed.
eventname = ''
# eventname = 'GW150914' 
eventname = 'GW151226' 
# eventname = 'LVT151012'

# want plots?
make_plots = 1
plottype = "png"
#plottype = "pdf"
In [44]:
#-- SET ME   Tutorial should work with most binary black hole events
#-- Default is no event selection; you MUST select one to proceed.
eventname = ''
# eventname = 'GW150914' 
eventname = 'GW151226' 
# eventname = 'LVT151012'

# want plots?
make_plots = 1
plottype = "png"
#plottype = "pdf"
In [45]:
# Standard python numerical analysis imports:
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, iirdesign, zpk2tf, freqz
import h5py
import json

# the IPython magic below must be commented out in the .py file, since it doesn't work there.
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

# LIGO-specific 
import readligo as rl

# you might get a matplotlib warning here; you can ignore it.
In [46]:
# Read the event properties from a local json file
fnjson = "BBH_events_v2.json"
    events = json.load(open(fnjson,"r"))
except IOError:
    print("Cannot find resource file "+fnjson)
    print("You can download it from"+fnjson)

# did the user select the eventname ?
    print('You must select an eventname that is in '+fnjson+'! Quitting.')
In [47]:
# Extract the parameters for the desired event:
event = events[eventname]
fn_H1 = event['fn_H1']              # File name for H1 data
fn_L1 = event['fn_L1']              # File name for L1 data
fn_template = event['fn_template']  # File name for template waveform
fs = event['fs']                    # Set sampling rate
tevent = event['tevent']            # Set approximate event GPS time
fband = event['fband']              # frequency band for bandpassing signal
In [48]:
# Load LIGO data from a single file.
# FIRST, define the filenames fn_H1 and fn_L1, above.
    # read in data from H1 and L1, if available:
    strain_H1, time_H1, chan_dict_H1 = rl.loaddata(fn_H1, 'H1')
    strain_L1, time_L1, chan_dict_L1 = rl.loaddata(fn_L1, 'L1')
    print("Cannot find data files!")
    print("You can download them from"+eventname)

# both H1 and L1 will have the same time vector, so:
time = time_H1
# the time sample interval (uniformly sampled!)
dt = time[1] - time[0]

For the later use of bandpassing filters, it is necessary to pass our data to the Fourier domain:

In [49]:
make_psds = 1
if make_psds:
    # number of sample for the fast fourier transform:
    NFFT = 4*fs
    Pxx_H1, freqs = mlab.psd(strain_H1, Fs = fs, NFFT = NFFT)
    Pxx_L1, freqs = mlab.psd(strain_L1, Fs = fs, NFFT = NFFT)

    # We will use interpolations of the ASDs computed above for whitening:
    psd_H1 = interp1d(freqs, Pxx_H1)
    psd_L1 = interp1d(freqs, Pxx_L1)

    # Here is an approximate, smoothed PSD for H1 during O1, with no lines. We'll use it later.    
    Pxx = (1.e-22*(18./(0.1+freqs))**2)**2+0.7e-23**2+((freqs/2000.)*4.e-23)**2
    psd_smooth = interp1d(freqs, Pxx)

Next, we will load the numerical relativity template:

In [50]:
# read in the template (plus and cross) and parameters for the theoretical waveform
    f_template = h5py.File(fn_template, "r")
    print("Cannot find template file!")
    print("You can download it from"+eventname+'/'+fn_template)
In [51]:
# extract metadata from the template file:
template_p, template_c = f_template["template"][...]
t_m1 = f_template["/meta"].attrs['m1']
t_m2 = f_template["/meta"].attrs['m2']
t_a1 = f_template["/meta"].attrs['a1']
t_a2 = f_template["/meta"].attrs['a2']
t_approx = f_template["/meta"].attrs['approx']
# the template extends to roughly 16s, zero-padded to the 32s data length. The merger will be roughly 16s in.
template_offset = 16.

In order to compare the template with the data that we are going to denoise, it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

In [52]:
# -- To calculate the PSD of the data, choose an overlap and a window (common to all detectors)
#   that minimizes "spectral leakage"
NFFT = 4*fs
psd_window = np.blackman(NFFT)
# and a 50% overlap:

# define the complex template, common to both detectors:
template = (template_p + template_c*1.j) 
# We will record the time where the data match the END of the template.
etime = time+template_offset
# the length and sampling rate of the template MUST match that of the data.
datafreq = np.fft.fftfreq(template.size)*fs
df = np.abs(datafreq[1] - datafreq[0])

# to remove effects at the beginning and end of the data stretch, window the data
try:   dwindow = signal.tukey(template.size, alpha=1./8)  # Tukey window preferred, but requires recent scipy version 
except: dwindow = signal.blackman(template.size)          # Blackman window OK if Tukey is not available

# prepare the template fft.
template_fft = np.fft.fft(template*dwindow) / fs

# loop over the detectors
dets = ['H1', 'L1']
for det in dets:

    if det is 'L1': data = strain_L1.copy()
    else:           data = strain_H1.copy()

    # -- Calculate the PSD of the data.  Also use an overlap, and window:
    data_psd, freqs = mlab.psd(data, Fs = fs, NFFT = NFFT, window=psd_window, noverlap=NOVL)

    # Take the Fourier Transform (FFT) of the data and the template (with dwindow)
    data_fft = np.fft.fft(data*dwindow) / fs

    # -- Interpolate to get the PSD values at the needed frequencies
    power_vec = np.interp(np.abs(datafreq), freqs, data_psd)

    # -- Calculate the matched filter output in the time domain:
    # Multiply the Fourier Space template and data, and divide by the noise power in each frequency bin.
    # Taking the Inverse Fourier Transform (IFFT) of the filter output puts it back in the time domain,
    # so the result will be plotted as a function of time off-set between the template and the data:
    optimal = data_fft * template_fft.conjugate() / power_vec
    optimal_time = 2*np.fft.ifft(optimal)*fs

    # -- Normalize the matched filter output:
    # Normalize the matched filter output so that we expect a value of 1 at times of just noise.
    # Then, the peak of the matched filter output will tell us the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the signal.
    sigmasq = 1*(template_fft * template_fft.conjugate() / power_vec).sum() * df
    sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(sigmasq))
    SNR_complex = optimal_time/sigma

    # shift the SNR vector by the template length so that the peak is at the END of the template
    peaksample = int(data.size / 2)  # location of peak in the template
    SNR_complex = np.roll(SNR_complex,peaksample)
    SNR = abs(SNR_complex)

    # find the time and SNR value at maximum:
    indmax = np.argmax(SNR)
    timemax = time[indmax]
    SNRmax = SNR[indmax]

    # Calculate the "effective distance" (see FINDCHIRP paper for definition)
    # d_eff = (8. / SNRmax)*D_thresh
    d_eff = sigma / SNRmax
    # -- Calculate optimal horizon distnace
    horizon = sigma/8

    # Extract time offset and phase at peak
    phase = np.angle(SNR_complex[indmax])
    offset = (indmax-peaksample)
    #print offset

    # apply time offset, phase, and d_eff to template, for plotting
    template_= (template_p + template_c*1.j) 
    template_phaseshifted = np.real(template_*np.exp(1j*phase))
    template_match = np.roll(template_phaseshifted,offset) / d_eff

3.- ROF application

Due to the length of the GW151226 signal, much longer than GW150914, we must modify the way in which we apply the ROF algorithm. We divide the signal into smaller segments, and then we will apply the ROF filter with different values of μ to each of them. The ROF algorithm will be applied using the iterative procedure.

With GW151226 we are going to introduce a tool for selecting the optimal value of the regularization parameter (µ) called SSIM [5]. SSIM provides the value of μ that best fits our signal. It can be found in the skimage library.

In [53]:
from skimage.measure import compare_ssim as ssim

The functions to generate patches, and later to unite them, are the following:

In [54]:
def extract_patches_1d(A,patch_size,max_patches=None,random_state=0,step=1):
    m,n = np.atleast_2d(A).shape
    if max_patches is None:
        numOfcols= (n - patch_size ) //step +1
        col = 0
        if m == 1:
            D = np.zeros([patch_size,numOfcols])
            for i in range(0 , numOfcols *step ,step):
                D[:,col]=A[i: i + patch_size]
                col +=1
            D = np.zeros([patch_size,numOfcols*n])
            for j in range(n):
                for i in range(numOfcols):
                    col +=1
        D = np.zeros([patch_size,max_patches])
        for k in range(max_patches):
            i = np.random.randint(0,m-2)
            j = np.random.randint(0,n)
            D[:,k] = A[i:i+patch_size,j]

    return D    

def reconstruct_from_patches_1d(patches,signal_len):
    m, n = patches.shape
    step = (signal_len-m)//(n-1)
    y = np.zeros(signal_len)
    aux = np.zeros(signal_len)
    for i in range(n):       
        y[i*step:i*step+m] += patches[:,i]
        aux[i*step:i*step+m] += np.ones(m)
    return y/aux

First, we will apply a band-passing+notching to our complete data.

In [55]:
coefs = get_filter_coefs(fs)
# H1
strain_H1_filt=filter_data(strain_H1, coefs)
# L1
strain_L1_filt=filter_data(strain_L1, coefs)

Now, we will divide into patches of a certain size, and with a certain overlap to prevent boundary issues.

In [56]:
# H1
strain_H1_cut=extract_patches_1d(strain_H1_filt, 16384, None, 0, 8192)
f,c = np.atleast_2d(strain_H1_cut).shape # This value will be useful
# L1
strain_L1_cut=extract_patches_1d(strain_L1_filt, 16384, None, 0, 8192)
# Template
template_cut=extract_patches_1d(template_match, 16384, None, 0, 8192)

To perform a faster processing of the signal, we work only with the patch that includes the merger (obtained previously by inspecting the figure of the template).

In [57]:
iterations=10 # Number of ROF iterations
mu=np.arange(1,11,1) # Array of possibles mu
test=[] # Array of SSIM values
# H1
for x in mu:
    s=np.zeros(f) # Auxiliary variable
    while j<iterations:
# Once applied all the possibles µ, we will use the best one
while j<iterations:
strain_H1_TV=reconstruct_from_patches_1d(strain_H1_cut, len(strain_H1)) # Reconstruct the strain
strain_H1_TV_filt= filtfilt(bb, ab, strain_H1_TV) # Extra bandpassing

# L1
for x in mu:
    s=np.zeros(f) # Auxiliar 
    while j<iterations:
# Once applied all the possibles µ, we will use the best one
while j<iterations:
strain_L1_TV=reconstruct_from_patches_1d(strain_L1_cut, len(strain_L1)) # Reconstruct the strain
strain_L1_TV_filt= filtfilt(bb, ab, strain_L1_TV) # Extra bandpassing

Finally, we normalized H1, L1 and the template and we plot.

In [58]:
# H1
# L1
# Template
template_TV=reconstruct_from_patches_1d(template_cut, len(strain_H1))
# Plot
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_H1_TV_filt,'r',label='H1 strain')
plt.plot(time-tevent,strain_L1_TV_filt,'g',label='L1 strain')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.title('Filtered data ')


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This notebook have been developed by Sergio Calero Montesinos as his 'Trabajo Fin de Grado' in Physics at the University of Valencia.

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